Hey new here

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  • 485 subscribers

Hi I was wondering if anyone can help me?
I’ve just found a lump in the upper outer quadrant of my left breast. It’s hard, irregular and has hardened tissue near it. I’ve been referred for an ultrasound which is in 10 days. Can anyone tell me from experience if this is something I should be worried about?

Its isn’t painful. I can squeeze teeny amounts of yellow from the nipple. I stopped breastfeeding about 2.5 years ago.

My breasts are really small and even, nipple position is pretty much symmetrical. However when I lift my arms above my head the nipple on the lump side ends up about 1.5cms higher than the right and the areola elongates a bit to more of an oval. 

Any similar experience / outcomes would be really appreciated

  • Hi , sorry to hear you have found this lump, I understand you are looking for answers but it really is better to wait and see what they find at your ultrasound.  

    Don't want to scare you but it is likely when you have your ultrasound they will also do biopsies as nothing is certain until they have the results of these. They may or may not tell you their suspicions at this point. Having found similar to you and having an ultrasound I then underwent biopsies and got my results the following week.  

    All I can say is try not to worry, very hard I know, the waiting for tests and results is difficult but things generally, in my experience anyway, move pretty quickly if anything is confirmed. Breast cancer these days is very treatable and there is a lot of support out there, especially on here. 

    Hope that helps a bit, as I said I don't want to scare you by detailing as for you it may turn out not to be cancerous, not all lumps are. If you have any more questions though this is a great place to ask, would love to know how things pan out for you, big hugs, 

    K xxx

  • I didn't even think I was getting biopsies at my ultra sound but I did.  All came back clear.   Although it took 3 weeks for my results.   

  • Neither did I , just called for ultrasound, ended up biopsies on both sides, as they found a suspicious area in left on mammogram which turned out to be nothing, then also on right which was where I had found my lump, was there for a good few hours in the end as one biopsy was by ultrasound and other as smaller had to be done using  mammogram machine which took longer, also had markers placed in both sides in case follow on needed. 

    Should add , biopsies not painful as they freeze the area, just a bit of bruising after for a while.

  • Thank you very much for your reply. It was really helpful xx

  • Mines didn't freeze properly!

    The air went blue

    I had markers too but weren't needed as they took it all.away x

  • It was something like oyha F#£=/*!!!!!!