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Hello everyone, I'm new on here, I will just share a little about my history, in 2021 I was diagnosed with dcis , I underwent a lumpectomy and Radiotherapy. I'm 3 years clear now , but at my last mammogram in March abnormalities were  found again this time in the other breast, I've been back for further tests , mammogram, ultrasound scan and biopsies, I am now waiting for my results again, they say I have calcification in my breast tissue, and I know this could be age related but I just can't help but think because of my history it could possibly be cancer again, I'm now thinking of if it is do I opt for a bilateral mastectomy so it's no longer hanging over my head, surely  all this radiation is no good anyway, just wondering what people's views are on this if it does turn out to be cancer again , am I being a bit drastic in my thinking, I just don't know anymore.