Hi all, a newbie here!!!

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My name's Caroline (Caz for short). I was diagnosed with breast cancer on the 6th Jan after finding a lump the week before Xmas. Hell of a shock as only 49, no family history and fit as a flea. Any how I had a masectomy and lymph clearance on the 15th Feb and, after also having CT scans, have been told by my consultant that he got it all (after the lump he also removed 23 lymph nodes and found cancer in only 4), he said my margins were very clear.

I am starting preventative chemo on Thursday of this week. Apart from tears on the day of my diagnosis I've kept very positive about this last 3.months (even naming the cancer Arthur as it made it easier to talk about....and hey it always blokes who give us ladies the hardest time). I'm beginning to get a bit apprehensive about the chemo though, it's the fear of the unknown more than anything as I have no idea how this is going to affect me (as I know everyone is different)

I'm sure I'll be on here in the next few months looking for advice or just having a rant!!

  • Hi Caz74

    Welcome to the forum and I am sorry to hear that you were diagnosed with breast cancer and need chemo. While I won’t say chemo is easy it is doable. Make sure you drink plenty of fluids during chemo and take the medication they will give you if you need to.

    Wishing you the best of luck with your treatment when it starts.

    Best wishes


    Community Champion Badge

  • Hi,

    Sorry you need to be here. I called my lump Larry and later Larry and his boy band, when his friends were found. I too needed chemo post surgery and have done 7/8. Chemo is doable and while not always pleasant, you do get good days. Use the sickness meds, manage constipation very early and drink plenty. Also listen to your body and get plenty of rest. 

  • Hi Caz74

    I’m a newbie too, joined less than an hour ago!

    Similar to yourself I found a lump mid Nov & was told it was highly likely to be cancer at hospital appointment on 5th Dec. This was confirmed in biopsy results 20th Dec. Was such a shock as no family history either. Was in a right state all over Xmas & following few weeks as found out it was in the lymph node they’d biopsied too. Since then I have had a lumpectomy & auxiliary lymph node clearance where 3 of the nodes were cancerous. Also had another surgery 2 weeks after to remove further cancer cells they’d found & clean up an infection that had caused a lot of swelling & discomfort.

    It’s great that you’re mainly feeling positive & I must admit I’m starting to as well. Knowing that the margins are clear helps. Also like you I’m due to start my first chemo session soon & am getting anxious & quite scared of what to expect…

  • Hey, 

    I think being positive (as hard as that can be in these times) are the best way to deal with this. I'm 100% sure we'll both smash the hell out of this. I'm round to thinking that however hard this could possibly be, it's just helping me live my best life for many years to come (I'm not letting my hubby get off so easy). You've got this....us ladies are made of hard stuff xx

  • Yes you’re right & I’m going to try hard to stay positive.. We’ve got this! Muscle Not going to take things for granted afterwards, going to appreciate just living life. We certainly are Slight smile xx

  • You keep in touch and vice versa..we'll do it together x