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Due to start paclitaxel tomorrow weekly for 9 weeks although they may add on additional 3 at the end if I can tolerate it ok. I’ve had two EC cycles but due to it making me so poorly they won’t do the third. I am so nervous about how I’m going to feel after reacting so badly to the EC. My oncologist and the nurses have said it is a milder chemo so really hoping that it’s the case for me. After having a week of feeling relatively well I’m needing some normality back and hope I can get on with normal things while on this drug. Interested in how others have found it.

  • I was on two months of a much stronger drug previously.  Now on Paclitaxel and Carboplatin for 12 weeks.  I have found the latter milder but I have good days and bad days in that I am more tired than usual - for me as a hyper person I find it difficult, but I remind myself its not forever.... I take things easy on my tired days.

    Good luck 

  • I did 4 cycles of AC and had my 3rd cycle of paclitaxol yesterday (both every 2 weeks). It's definately easier in many ways. I've no nausea at all but there are a couple of days about day 4 -6 where I have some aches and pains. This was much worse after the first cycle, I think because I wasn't expecting it and I'd been out and about everyday before/after chemo, but so far the worst side effect I've had. I wasn't out and about so much for cycle 2 and it was much easier. I feel more energetic and need to be careful I don't overdo it, as although the mind is willing the body isn't quite convinced just yet. I have managed to go out for lunch and a bit more exercise on the flat (weather permitting) and doing a bit more around the house, but still getting some rest in the afternoon. HTH 

    Good luck.

  • I've had 10 weekly sessions on Palitaxol & Carboplatin. The 1st two weeks were the worst in that it flawed me out for two days but the rest of the week was ok. From the 3rd week on I woulld be very tierd for one day tgen have good days and bad days. The further on the better it gets with the fatigue but everyone is different & you maybe ok with it. That's just my experience.  Xx