Breast cancer diagnosis

  • 9 replies
  • 485 subscribers

Hi I am new to this ,just been diagnosed on Saturday with breat cancer and waiting for Full results and what treatment I will need and would welcome being in touch with people in the same situation me . It is all very overwhelming at the moment Unamused

  • Hello Gurn.

    A big hug your way.

    Very sorry for your diagnose and I wish you have your results and treatment a plan very soon.

    These boards are of very much help a support, you did well at joining and there are a lot of us here to make you company and share our experiences.

    Stay around.

  • Thank you so much for your reply and it is nice to peopke out there to support me. I do have a good family and friends network but sometimes it is nice to speak to people outside your circle.  I will try and stay positive and will definitely keep up on here . 

    Thank you again xx

  • Hi Gurn . So sorry to hear about your diagnosis I was diagnosed almost 2 weeks ago . It’s really scary the not knowing . Stick close x

  • Thank you so much for your reply,  I will keep in touch x

  • Hi  and a warm welcome to the forum. Definitely good to connect with people going through similar situations. I’ve found this site a great place for support and shared experiences. And hopefully you might find it reassuring that some of us are still rattling around the site many years after their diagnosis. I’m now 5 years down the line, and many here are further on still. Sending love and a big virtual hug, HFxx

    HappyFeet1 xx
    Don’t be afraid to cry. It will free your mind of sorrowful thoughts. – Hopi
  • Thank you so much for the reply it means a lot everything all very scary at the moment and will be great to speak to people going through the same thing .

  • Hi Gurn,

    Sorry to hear about your diagnosis, it all seemed very surreal to me at first, from my call back on the 9th of Feb for further tests, to diagnosis on 16th Feb then operation yesterday, wide local excision to remove a lump and sentinal node biopsy, the past few weeks have been a real whirlwind. 

    The waiting in between times is defiantly the worst, your mind just goes to all sorts of places, for me it was much less overwhelming once I had my final diagnosis, still not sure it's sunk in even now that I have or naybe even had cancer. I now have to wait till April 11th to find out exactly what happens next, hopefully everything comes back clear and then probably radiotherapy to make sure. I'm already on Letrozole as I started it straight away as part of a trial I agreed to take part in.

    Hopefully you won't have too wait to long for your results then you can begin to deal with whatever is ahead of you, do you have the date yet?

    Just take it one day at a time, big hugs xxx


  • Hi thank you for your reply . It is the waiting I don't like but trying to stay positive and nice t9 be able to chat to people on here x

  • Thank you for your reply and yes it is the waiting I don't like sending you a hug back  xx