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I have ER+ PR+ HER- breast cancer. I've had a mastectomy,, chemotherapy,  lymph node removal and now waiting for radiotherapy and the side effect delights of letrazole and abemaciclib.  I'm coming off HRT slowly cos if I don't my brain breaks. I feel like I'm on a conveyor belt of misery. Sorry, no one else to let off steam to.

  • I’m very sorry to hear that. It’s easy to say “take one day at a time” and all the usual responses. We’re all different and what works for one person won’t work for another. 
    Maybe speak to your GP about options for what sounds like depression, don’t be too quick to dismiss medication, talk therapies or counselling.
    Or, if you have a good friend ask them to visit and talk about something unrelated to health. Chat about things you might do together once you’re feeling more composed. Not big things like holidays, but meeting for a coffee.

    Reread old favourite books - ones you know don’t contain anything upsetting.

    Email people you haven’t contacted for a while. You don’t need to tell them about your health issues. Just receiving general needy replies will help you  feel connect to the world outside cancer. 

    I hope you feel brighter soon 

  • This is what this forum is for xxx rant away.

    I don't know what was positive/negative all.i.remember being told was my tumour was 6.2cm and in my lymph nodes.  I have one round of chemotherapy and ready for the next session.  Sending you healing hugs

  • Thank you. Good luck.with the chemo X

  • My earlier reply should have ended as follows

    Just receiving general newsy replies will help you  feel connected to the world outside cancer  

  • Hi SD . It’s tough on your mind . If you’ve tried all the things in your control , exercise , fresh air , meditation then maybe I s time to speak to your GP. 
    I stopped my HRT as soon as I found the lump , 5 weeks ago , so my body’s going through that withdrawal x

  • this is the place to do it hugs

    cause we understand and have oars for the same boat,

    radio while easy was really hard for me, daily grind.

    hang in there

  • Hi sour dough, I’m so sorry you are feeling so miserable. It is inevitable at some point. I would agree with SEE and visit your doctor. I know I went to see mine about a week after surgery…i could feel myself welling up whilst sitting in the waiting room and when I eventually Went in, I just burst into tears…uncontrollably, but god did I feel better. We really talked ….She then gave me something to help with how I was feeling. The other thing I did which really helped was read a funny autobiography, Alison Hammond/ Claudia winkleman for a bit of escapism. 

    I am the same as you er and pr positive her2 negative, waiting for radiotherapy, whilst returning to work gradually. 

    another thing I’ve found helps is being on here, sharing with others, taking comfort from shared experiences, helping others and the love hugs and kindness from the group,  has cushioned me through this whole awful process that we find ourselves in.  

    sending you the biggest hug, keep in touch with how you get on x

  • Hi, wondering if you can help, i had a mastectomy and had a lymph node removed to check for cancer and it was positive unfortunately. Had a second surgery to remove all. Now my consultant referred me to have CT and bone scan to check any spread. Is it normal to be referred I am so worried and scared and the results will take two week, just cant stop thinking. Please any advice will help. Thank you! 

  • Hi, wondering if you can help, i had a mastectomy and had a lymph node removed to check for cancer and it was positive unfortunately. Had a second surgery to remove all. Now my consultant referred me to have CT and bone scan to check any spread. Is it normal to be referred I am so worried and scared and the results will take two week, just cant stop thinking. Please any advice will help. Thank you! 

  • I had the exact same thing.  And felt the same as you. Although initially I thought the ct scan was to check the after effects of my surgery, how wrong was I.  And I had the same wait as yourself.  The great thing was I got the ct scan one week and phone call the next to day it was all clear no sign of cancer but I have a lump where they took the lymph node so went back last week for an ultra sound and biopsies were taken. I swear it is just scar tissue but so glad they Re being thorough at the same time. 

    Folk will tell you not too worry - I was worried sick but getting that phone call to say it hadn't spread was the best news xxx.

    Let me know how you get on too