Breast cancer

  • 1 reply
  • 483 subscribers

Hi, my name is Trish and I'm due to have surgery on 13th March. I'm having a mastectomy of my right breast. It's all happened so quickly since finding the lump on 9th February. It all came as a shock as my GP didn't think it was anything more than a cyst as it was painful. I was then told by the breast consultant that he didn't think it would be anything to worry about as cancer lumps aren't normally painful. Because mine is I'm very frightened. 

I'm not sure how long I've had this for as it's confirmed I have it in my Lymph nodes and also white specs on top of my breast are cancerous to. 

I'm having sleepless nights as I'm trying to be positive but bad thoughts keep playing over in my mind. I think it's not knowing is the worst. The waiting to see if its spread. 

  1. I have been reading some of your experiences and you all sound so brave and amazing. I prey I can do the same. 
  • Hello and sorry you found yourself having to join this forum.  At one time virtually every woman & man has found themselves in your frame of mind, thinking the worst.  While the posters on here are not brave, they just getting on with treatment, they are, just like you,  amazing in their own way,   This isn't a battle, there is no winning or losing, just putting one foot in front of another and dealing with the effects of the diagnosis & treatment.   Come on here to rant and voice your deepest feelings, come 9on here to ask for advice or support.  In a few months time you'll be the one offering support to those facing similar treatment to you xx