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  • 482 subscribers

I have been diagnosed with breast cancer at quite an advanced age but am very fit and well. I am waiting for a PET scan, does this mean it has spread to other parts.   What is the treatment likely to be?

  • I don’t know the answer to your question. I’ve got triple negative breast cancer so I’m having chemo then surgery then radiotherapy. I wanted to respond so you know you aren’t alone. Hopefully you will find out more soon, it’s the waiting that’s hard. 

  • Dear Photogirl, I too am much older than most. on this site. I found my lump last August and it was already 3 cms but  luckily hormone sensitive so I was put on Letrozole immeditely.. With co morbidities iI was told it would make  surgery very risky. 

    I was also told that the Letrzole would hopefully stop it growing and  spreading, and possibly shrink it, and I would have tests in 6 months to see the situation then. .. as there wouldnt be any point in scannjng b4 then.

    I had no idea how long it had been growing, sor I was desperate to know if if it was still growing, and how quickly, so I persuaded them to scan me at 3 months. 

    I would have been very hapoy if it had only grown a little bit, or stayed the same, but it had actually shrunk to 1.9 cms.

    I do agree with so many on this site, that the waiting for results is really stressful,

    At the beginning the computer with my results broke diwn, then they lost my ultrasound  results ,they said they would phone me when they found them, and didnt, said they'd sent them to my G.P ..and they hadnt. Etc etc. The first 3  months were really awful. 

    I do hope that you have good newss from your tests too. We are all different, but I was told that with older patients our lumps tend to grow more slowly. 

    Sorry to have gone on a bit!

    With lots of loving support coming your way , from Gilly

     I am having another appointment on March 22 nd  for 'scans', dont know what kind, to see iwhat is going on.  Till then I am trying to forget it and  eating more healthily than I used to, exercising more regularly, ( walking in nature definitely the best exercise for me) I also  send the healthy bits of my breast loving thoughts every night, and also imagine the lump shrinking, I really do believe that helps. 

    t found the Macmillan nurses incredibly supportive, I dont know how I would have coped without them.. 


  • Thank you for replying.  I am on Anastrozol which I think is similar but was hoping to have the lump removed and radiotherapy but the CT scan showed some nodules so have to have a Pet scan at a regional hospital to see more detail. As you say it is the waiting that is the worse. They have been very quick so far but this seems to be taking longer.  Lots of support but it's in the night I find I cannot stop thinking about it!!

  • Hi Photogirl

    Try not to think about it too much - easier said than done I know. The good thing is they are being thorough at this stage so your treatment can be spot on. When waiting on appointments and results, I tried to distract myself in the evening watching TV series. No idea what I watched at the time but it did help with distraction. I’m currently watching Revenge on My5 and hooked on it. Fingers crossed it won’t be long before you get a date.

  • My son has come stay for 3 days so that has helped. Shall ring the breast nurse if don't hear in a day or two. What stage are you? Have you had treatment?

  • Date come through today, next Tuesday so feel better now.

  • Date came through today so feel better now.

  • Hope you’re enjoying some time with your son. I was diagnosed last April, had a mastectomy in June, radiotherapy in August. I had a nuclear bone scan a few weeks ago as I’m still struggling with pain and tightness under the arm and across the chest wall. Luckily scan was clear. The tightness is still driving me insane though!! Hopefully you have a date now. Hope it goes well. Xx

  • Yes its next Tuesday and have a lift sorted. I am learning to ask for help!!! Glad your scan was clear it isn't simple even when you get sorted. Hope the tightness eases soon.xx