Hello - new to everything

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Hello, I was diagnosed with breast cancer last October. I was initially going to have the lumpectomy followed by radiotherapy in November. Due to previous health problems it was felt that I may have had some heart ‘event’ and I was also very unfit due to previous inactivity from ill health. So I was prescribed Letrozole for five years and asked to improve my weight and activity so that I could have the operation in six months instead. That would around May 2024.

I lost a little weight but other than that I have been sleeping most of the time. I have cancelled quite a few appointments such as the psychologist and the leisure centre. I have no motivation at all and cannot seem to move. I am like concrete. This all happened after my mum was diagnosed with Lewy Body Dementia and then in October went into a home. I feel more upset about that than the cancer.

  • Hi Helen

    So sorry to hear you are struggling. It’s hard enough having the diagnosis never mind your mum’s situation. You should try do it for her. She would want you to have a happy life. Baby steps is the way forward. You can do it. And you’ll have great support from this forum. I lost my mum in December 22 and was diagnosed in April 23. It’s been and still is a slog but I’ll persevere. You’ll have good days and bad days. Try get out for a walk each day - it helps a lot. Set little challenges for yourself. Lots of hugs. Xx

  • Thank you Beth. Your words really helped. x

  • Hi Helen61, I'm so sorry you're feeling so low. I totally understand how you feel. My Mum died 5 days after my diagnosis after a tough couple of years with MND. 

    My friends have been amazing & I make arrangements as many days as possible during the week to go for a walk with whoever has got any free time. Once I've made plans I don't cancel &;I had to force myself out...but I can honestly say I feel so much better after a bit of excercise even if it's only 20 minutes...it makes me more energetic . 

    Don't be afraid to ask people to go with you...you'd be surprised how many people are happy to share their time.  I've also found a local free walking group ( all abilities & no ones left behind )! 

    This is a tough time without your Mum's support but I'm sure she'd want you to fight this. You can do this , have you tried your local Macmillan or breast cancer group.....I couldn't believe how many of us ladies are out there Blushxx

  • Thank you Batman - I will definitely try to stop cancelling as from now. Sound advice x

  • Hi

    I just wanted to say you’re not like concrete- you’re on here, reaching out for support. This stuff is hard. Grief is hard and cancer is hard. But you’re here, taking a positive step forward. People have posted some great advice and little steps  do add up to bigger changes. But please remember, you have most definitely taken a big step forward in joining this forum and followed this with another step when you posted. You are already on your way to making changes. 
    Sending you love and best wishes xx

  • Hi,

    Oh my, You've had a lot to deal with. I wonder if you have an element of depression and might benefit from some antidepressants and seeing the GP/psychologist? It's hard to concentrate on physical wellbeing when mental/psychological and emotional health needs some TLC too. We all need some help at times and some of them can help the hot flushes.

    My mum has heart failure and COPD and I haven't told her what's going on with me to protect her (and Isuppose myself as I don't want the news to worsen her fragile condition) - she lives alone and not local, so I get away with it for now, but not for much longer. It's not the same as yoir situation, but I do wish I could have a conversation with her about things. 

    Sending hugs. 

  • Thank you for your message. I'm so sorry your having to go through this without the strength from your mum because she to is unwell. What alot for you to carry. I hope you have support from others around you. Take care bless you 

  • How are you feeling Helen61? Hope you’ve managed to feel a bit more positive. Xxx

  • I’ve been thinking about what you wrote and started to change my mindset. Thank you.

  • Thank you for your lovely words. I totally understand about wishing you could have a conversation with her. I feel like a rudderless boat.