Zoladex Injections Stopping

  • 3 replies
  • 485 subscribers

Hello All, 

I have been on Zoladex injections for 2.5 years (3 years in August) and was always told that they were to continue for 5 years. I've just been told by my oncologist that these are due to stop in August 2024, which will mean I will only have had them for 3 years. When I mentioned this to my oncologist, he was adament that I was only ever going to be on them for 3 years. It now has me worried! 

Has anyone got any experience of this or how things were after stopping? I'm 34 so would be classed as Pre-Menopausal - although I haven't had a period since going through Chemotherapy 3 years ago, I wonder if these will return. It's not just periods I was curious about - my cancer was fed by hormones and with the thought of zoladex stopping and periods/hormones rerturning has me worried that it could lead to something more sinister!

Thanks in advance :)

  • Hi  Welcome to the group but sorry you have had to join us here. I can understand your concern about the zoledex stopping. As your cancer was hormone fed, I am wondering if you are on any other hormone inhibitors like letrozole? I would be talking to my consultant about my concerns, and asking how often I would be having screening to keep an eye on any changes after stopping. I think you should contact your breast nurse and discuss this with her. 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Definitely talk to your breast care nurse.  If you are on tamoxifen or letrozole for 5 or 10  years I  would be less worried but everyone’s plan is different.   I’m on Letrozole for ten years but this is geared to my plan.  Maybe ask for details of your adjuvant treatment plan again, that way you can raise your concerns with what’s in front of you.  Best wishes. M x

  • Hi,

    Sorry you are feeling worried about this, but it's understandable.

    I will soon be starting Zoladex for 3 years, abemaclib for 2 years and hormone therapy for 5 years, if that helps. I find it confusing keeping track, but luckily the oncologist wrote it down as a timeline when I first saw her so I have a reference.

    Are you on tamoxifen? That might explain lack of menstruation. I can't say what happens when you stop but hopefully your oncologist may be able to advise.