Breast cancer diagnosis

  • 3 replies
  • 484 subscribers

Hi my name is becky I'm 45 and have been diagnosed nearly a week ago with breast cancer I've decided to have a mastectomy which is booked for the 11th April I'm putting on such a brave face to friends and family but I'm really scared 

  • Hi  , welcome to the club that none of us wanted to join. Sorry that you find yourself here, but I’ve found it a great place for support and shared experiences. Being diagnosed with cancer is very scary, and I don’t think family and friends can really imagine what it’s like. And of course we generally put on our brave faces (I certainly did) while quaking in our shoes. I also presented all the positive aspects when telling people - small lump, early stage, very treatable - so I’m sure people thought I was coping much better than I really was. It can also feel very lonely. That’s the great thing about this community, you will know that there are lots of people here in similar situations who have a much better idea about how you’re feeling. Lots of people holding your hand, even if it’s virtual. Keep posting here with any questions, or just to express feelings that are hard to share with family and friends. Rants and raves are all allowed here! Sometimes it just helps to record it here, the old saying ‘better out than in’ has really resonated with me during my cancer experiences. Sending love and a big virtual hug, HFxx

    HappyFeet1 xx
    Don’t be afraid to cry. It will free your mind of sorrowful thoughts. – Hopi
  • Thank you so much for your reply yeah your right you say all the positives but inside its so scary and it's lonely I'm trying atm to keep busy with working untill I have to have my mastectomy 

  • I too decided on a mastectomy as I wanted rid of it. That was 3 years ago. I didn’t have reconstruction at the time as the wait for the operation would have been longer. I actually now forget I don’t have a boob until I get undressed. The operation was ok I had node clearance too and suffered cording etc but I did the exercises and I feel ok about myself now. The prosthesis is so life like in touch and shape. I do struggle with a good bra but found one in M&S that hooks up the front. 
    you will be fine and there is light at the end of the tunnel. Best wishes for a speedy recovery. X