Just diagnosed now awaiting MRI results

  • 6 replies
  • 484 subscribers

Hello everyone, I was diagnosed with breast cancer last Friday I’ve since had MRI and now await the results…. I feel physically sick with worry, not sleeping etc etc is there anything anyone knows of that can help with this please? 

  • Just be patient and kind to yourself - you are at the most difficult stage of your cancer journey when you don't know enough about your cancer, prognosis, etc. We all have been through this and it sucks. However, once you have your treatment plan, things will gradually go back to normal, a new normal perhaps but much better than what you are feeling right now. Don't Google too much, a lot of the information there is outdated and might unnecessarily scare you (I was nothing but terrified, but that's me, I worry like crazy all the time!). Cancer treatment is incredibly advanced nowadays and like I've said many times here, oncologists aim at not only treating but curing even more advanced forms and stages of cancer. You will be in very capable hands, oncologists and nurses are brilliant! Try not to overthink which is easier said than done and try your hardest to stay positive, this is what really helped me through my cancer journey. I wish you the very best of luck with your treatment!

    Lana xx

  • Thank you so much Lana for taking the time to message me it really means a lot. I do actually appreciate it could get a little easier once I know the way forward but for now I can’t help but beat myself up. Thanks again for all the positivity, all the very best to you too, take care x 

  • Hi  , lovely message already, just wanted to add my support and a hug. It really is a tortuous stage, waiting in limbo for tests and results. I think I just tried to keep busy, but also felt sick with worry in the build up to knowing finally what I was actually dealing with. I can only echo what  has said re staying away from Dr Google and also that cancer treatments have improved hugely in recent decades, and new treatments are coming on board all the time. Try also to take some comfort from the many folk here who have finished their main treatments and are doing well. I’m still rattling around the site, over 5 years since my diagnosis. So far so good! Sending love and a big virtual hug your way, HFxx

    HappyFeet1 xx
    Don’t be afraid to cry. It will free your mind of sorrowful thoughts. – Hopi
  • Thank you so much HappyFeet1 it really does mean a lot that you too have taken the time to leave a comment. 
    wow 5 years on for you … what an inspiration you are … thanks again, take care x 

  • Hi, as the others have said, this really is the toughest time. It helped me to keep busy, to distract myself, but it's always there somehow. Once you have your treatment plan I think it gets easier as you know what the plan is, the limbo-land is tough.   Best wishes 

    Community Champion badge

  • Thank you so much to you too Irishgirl16, it really means a lot… you take care x