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I had a lumpectomy and Lymph node surgery 11th January then followed by a re-excision (due to my margins not being clear ) on the 8th February , by the 12th February my breast was feeling swollen and sore , when I mentioned to the nurse she said everything was fine , on the 16th I was called in for my results luckily they had managed to remove all the Cancer , I mentioned to my breastcare nurse the discomfort and swelling , she had a Quick Look and said it looked fine ,

following day my stitches burst and fluid and blood just kept coming , the nurse came out cleaned the wound and re-dressed , my wound has continued to bleed and leak fluid for a week now ,with no sign of it stopping ,they have tried glueing it and even inserted some gel that is supposed to heal and stop the bleed , but alas this just leaked out 

I just wondered if anyone else has had this problem ,    I am 68 years of age and am on Anticoagulants 

  • Hi, sorry you find yourself here.  I too had two surgeries because the margins weren’t clear.  I also leaked for a couple of weeks. It cleared up and then I leaked again for  about ten days.  The bcn gave me patches to put on it.  I Think they were silver or something like that to put on.  This was to stop me getting an infection.  It will clear up but if you’re still worried in a few days contact the bcn again.  Hope this helps

  • Hi,

    I had a lumpectomy,  masectomy and right side lymph node removal and had leakage from my masectomy wound 3 weeks post op. It was quite scary but the nurses weren't worried.  They have dressed it with a honey dressing and it just needs a couple more days to settle but stopped leaking after 5 days. X

  • Thank you , Sorry it happened to you as well but glad I’m not on my own xx

  • It is so frightening when it happens but as you say the nurses just take it in their stride , thank heaven for these wonderful nurses who manage to calm you when all you want to do is panic Scream x

  • Hi Mags55, sorry you are having problems still. I know this sounds daft but have you told them you are on anticoagulants? I would imagine this would have an effect on the wound healing and also the bleeding. It might be they need to insert a drain maybe to help. Perhaps Monday call your medical team and discuss and mention the anticoagulants.

    Wishing you all the best

    Hugs from cuffcake x x x x x

  • The Nurses just take it in their stride. When I had my aspiration biopsy I was talking to them a lot. I was a nurse until I retired, nervousness or just distracting myself. They deal with breast feeding Mothers who have breast abscesses. Healing isn't always straightforward sadly. Keep going back. I can be a pest when I'm worried. As above, they can use silver nitrate, it is used on babies umbilical cords area if it gets infected. Put vaseline on the area you don't want it to work on. It's strong and can spread. Hope it starts to heal soon. How painful for you. Xxxx

  • Hello Cuffcake 

    yes the medical team know I am on anticoagulants but they seem reluctant to put a drain in , I am hoping to go back to the hospital on Tuesday to see what they suggest  

    thank you xx

  • Thank you for suggesting silver nitrate I will see what they say , hopefully Tuesday xx

  • Just a quick update , my wound wouldn’t heal so on the 14th March I had my 3rd surgery all appeared to be going ok but on Friday 29th my breast became red a bit swollen and very painful , around1.00 am on the 30th my wound started leaking fluid and blood , when is this ever going to stop Disappointed

  • Oh dear that sounds painful and upsetting. Go back and ask for advice. They must have a remedy for complications of healing. Keep going until you get the right effect.  Heart