Advice on hard lump please

  • 5 replies
  • 484 subscribers

Hi guys. So I'm 3weeks post mastectomy, tissue reconstruction and lymph nodes removal. A bit sore and tight but generally OK. Worst part is underarm where lymph nodes removed and down side of breast. I'm doing all the exercises which help alot, but sleeping is when it's most painful/uncomfortable. 

But on that side of the breast, now that a lot of the swelling has gone down I can feel a hard lump (uncomfortable/sore). Surgeon said prob just blood "clotted"...that's my word cant remember the word she used. Anyway she wasn't concerned and said the body would eventually break it up. I asked if I could help with a massage and she said no harm, but couldn't suggest methods. 

Anyone have any advice please? I know I'm very lucky with my recovery, but it is seriously effecting my sleep which isn't just effecting my stamina, but also my emotional state.

Many, many thanks guys and best of luck on your journeys. Xxx

  • Hi Ricepud

    Sorry to hear you have pain. I find consultants quite dismissive. I’ve been having some pain and a lot of tightness and I’m 8 months post mastectomy. I saw my consultant last week to try and understand if this was normal and what’s causing it. He did check me over but suggested it was muscle strain and suggested rest and Voltarol. I’m not convinced it’s muscle strain. I’m goink to see a physio in a week so I’m hoping she’ll know better. I suspect it’s Lymphodema but until someone gives a definite diagnosis I don’t know how to manage it. Luckily I’ve had no problem sleeping. I’d suggest you get a second opinion if it’s affecting your sleep. Hope it goes soon. Xx

  • Hi, I was told the hard lump around the scar was actually scar tissue. I've had it checked a few times as it seemed to change shape a little and they are always happy to look at me and reassure me it is nothing more. Is it worth giving your nurse a call? Best wishes. 

    Community Champion badge

  • Thanx for the reply. Mine is nowhere near any scar tissue though. I understand what the surgeon said about blood and fluid accumulated and will eventually be dissipated by the body. But due to discomfort I was hoping for advice on massage to help it on its way. Will phone nurse on Monday...her day off today. Thanx again. Xx

  • Hello Ricepud

    I have a similar hard lump just above my lumpectomy scar. The radiotherapist said it was a seroma and to contact my bcn. She said it was a fairly frequent occurance after surgery and said to wait a few weeks as she didn't want to do anything I.e. draining so soon after radiotherapy. Luckily my lump isn't causing any discomfort but it sounds similar to yours. The bcn also said that quite often these lumps dissolve on their own sometimes taking up to a year to do so

  • Thanx does sound similar. Xx