Newly diagnosed, should I enter a study ?

  • 6 replies
  • 483 subscribers

Hello all, I am very recently diagnosed with breast cancer and this is my first time talking to a support group. In brief this is my story-

Following a recent call back from a mammogram I was told they had found suspicious findings in both breasts, I had reported a lump on my right side only. I received further scans and mammograms and had biopsies taken from both sides at this appointment. A week later, last Fi, I went back for my results- I have a stage 2 Invasive Ductal Carcinomo breast cancer on my right side, luckily the left biopsy came back clear and they don't think it has spread to my lymph nodes. Because my tumor is oestrogen receptive and they don't feel I need any choemo at this stage I have been asked if I would be prepared to take part in a study looking at how effective the use of endocrine treatment would be if used for 6 months prior to surgery in shrinking tumours.  Depending on which side of the study I am randomly selected to be in this could mean postponing surgery for around 6 months, I would be monitored during this time. I really don't know what to do so was wondering if anyone here had had a similar experience?

I am back at the hospital on Thurs to discuss what I wish to do. My options are to enter the study or go straight to a  surgery ootion which would involve sentinel lymph node biopsies and a wide local excision, lumpectomy.

Thanks in advance to anyone taking time to read this.

An update to my post, after a lot of duscussion and thought I decided to enter the trial. I was randomised to the surgery arm and was immediately prescribed Letrozole, which I started on Sat, and I have been given a surgery date - 3 weeks tomorrow 18th March. All seems very real now and totally terrifying as only had my diagnosis for a little over a week. 

  • Hi Kat1

    Welcome to the forum and I am sorry to hear that you have been diagnosed with breast cancer.  While I can't advise you either way I noticed that you haven't had any replies yet so I thought I'd reply to you to welcome you to the community.

    Wishing you the best of luck whatever you decide to do.

    Best wishes


    Community Champion Badge

  • Hi,

    I was put forward for the POETIC A study. The first part would not have delayed surgery but would have put me on an AI for between 10 days and 6 months (I would have managed a month to 6 weeks). There was then a treatment arm. I did consider it, as this is how treatment regimes are evaluated and improved. I discussed it with my haematology team, who were less keen than I was, and preferred for me not to do it. In the end, I wasn't suitable for the trial, however will receive the drugs as they are now clinically indicated and I will have to manage the risks on that basis. I don't regret considering being part of the trial and having the discussion. I would consider other studies in the future.

    I have agreed to have my tissue used for research - it's no use to me and the only way I can contribute at this time.

    It's good to have the discussion and make sure you have all the information you need to make a decision that is best for you.

    Good luck with your journey whatever you decide.

  • Hello Kat1 Heart

    I am in a similar position as you but, not been asked to take part. I read up on the participating of clinical trial and it says it contribute to medical research and potentially benefit future patients. The trials are to explore new treatments, medications, or procedures for individuals.

    Not all trials lead to positive outcomes nor, will it work for everyone. There must be a very good reason why they have asked you to consider. Asked as much questions as possible from your health team so that you are informed. Good luck with your decision and sending you lots of hugs and positive vibes your wayRevolving hearts

  • Thanks for the advice x

  • Thanks for replying x