Two Types In Nine Months !

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  • 483 subscribers

HI all,

I've been looking around this forum not knowing how to start.  I'm not new to the site as last year I was diagnosed with endometrial cancer.  This was treated with a full hysterectomy followed by radiotherapy.  Treatment was completed early October and I was so happy and feeling positive moving forward.

That was until a routine Mammogram a few weeks ago detected a small mass.  The following week I was called back for additional mammogram and ultra sound along with a biopsy.

Just 9 months after my first cancer diagnosis I was diagnosed with Invasive Ductal Carcinoma Grade 3 (11mm)  ER2, PR0 HER2 still waiting for results.  

I was completely floored by this news. I now have breast cancer!  How can I be back at square one again? 

I have pre-op on 29/02 along with magseed insertion and lumpectomy is booked on 07/03.  Consultant has advised that I will also be having chemotherapy and radiotherapy.  I'm pleased everything is moving quickly and I am very practical about everything.  I know I will get through this, but  I just want to shout out 'it's not fair'.

I wish I had a magic wand to just wipe cancer out of existence Disappointed

  • Hi Jules 

    firstly, I wanted to send you a huge hug, I can’t imagine how you are feeling at the moment

    I to have invasive duct breast cancer,- negative

    plan is to have 16 weeks of chemotherapy, I’m currently on round four then after that a ectomy surgery and then radiotherapy after

    every day I don’t know where my head is at, but as a woman you do manage to carry on every day life  as possible as you can

    the doctors have said it’s one of the most common cancers and it is curable so I’m holding onto that. Thought just remember us women are made stronger than we think

    you’ve got this Punch

  • Hi Wisey254,

    Thank you for your words.  I'm sorry to hear you are also going through this.  I am still awaiting one of the results but trying to focus on getting this done.

    I see you are having chemotherapy before surgery.  How have you found coping with the chemo?  Think that worries me most.

    These things are definitely sent to try us.  We are strong and push on through (with the occasional need to sit and have a good cry). 

    Sending you a huge hug straight back Slight smile

  • I found out I had breast cancer in September. After a mastectomy and axillary clearance and starting chemo, I found out I also have thyroid cancer, which will not be managed until chemo and radiotherapy is finished. It feels never-ending. I'm afraid to mention another small lump I've found elsewhere. I have no wise words,  but wanted you to know that you are not alone. It's not fair,  but we will get through this.

  • I won’t lie the chemo has been a little difficult. I started to lose my hair after the third cycle, so my boyfriend ended up shaving what whatever was left off! I managed to find a couple of lovely ladies on Instagram, one that sells turbans and one that makes wigs, turbines have been a great help and even the wig that I bought which is real hair is amazing. She is called May wigs collection on Instagram - I work in a crematorium of all places, so I’m dealing with the public on a daily basis and I needed some sort of security blanket. Otherwise I would feel quite naked without nothing on my head

    I’m currently on carbo and Paclitaxel , the immune therapy has been scrapped at the moment because something was showing up on my liver, so waiting for the statistics to go down before they put me back on it

    the plan of action is that is to do the red devil for the last four cycles of my chemotherapy, which I think will be every 2 to 3 weeks. I know everybody is different, but apparently this is the worst of the worst and I’m not looking forward to it,

  • HI LuckyD,

    It's not easy to deal with one cancer, you don't expect 2.  So sorry you have these at the same time.  Hope your chemo and radio do not take too long so you can tackle the thyroid cancer.  I can understand not wanting to mention another lump but please please do.  We start to learn that nothing good comes from ignoring problems.  Fingers crossed it is nothing to worry about, you have enough already.

    Stay strong and sending you a big hug Hugging


  • HI Wisey254

    I still have 2.5 weeks to my surgery so not had any conversations regarding the chemo as yet.  Disconcerting that something is referred to as the red devil !  That does not sound good at all.  Hope your liver improves quickly.

    I do worry about hair loss, it's such a big part of who we are.  I will have to cross that bridge when I get to it. 

    Good luck with the rest of your chemotherapy, I hope you don't find it too difficult. Hugging


  • Had my preop last week and everything looks good.  I have opted to take part in a trial for Magseed Pro (updated version) which was inserted last week.

    My eldest daughter lives in London and she has come home to take care of me for a few weeks Heart eyes.   

    I took a holiday from work today so I can just relax and prepare for my op tomorrow.  The sky is blue and the sun is shining (rare for Manchester), I'm feeling very positive that all will be ok. Slight smile


  • Good luck for your op and I'm sure you'll enjoy time with your daughter, despite the circumstances.