Newly Diagnosed

  • 11 replies
  • 486 subscribers
  1. Hi my name is Liz and I have just been diagnosed with breast cancer. Would love to hear from anyone further down the treatment line as what to expect 
  • I'm a year on from diagnosis  2 surgeries,  chemo and just coming to end of radiotherapy. Happy to share anything if it will help

  • Hi Liz, hope your doing ok after diagnosis- its a lot to take in!  Your treatment will depend on your cancer, have oncologist said anything about your treatment plan yet? I think the first thing I thought was ok now diagnosed, lets start treatment, but didn't realise how many more scans/tests I still had to have before treatment started. Happy to share anything that you have questions about x

  • Hi Liz,

    we are all here to support you and each other. The bonus of this forum is that we are all at different stages so you can follow people from start to end of treatment.

    Read a few comments from others, check out my bio if you’d like- just click on my name.

     Ask anything anytime- someone will help.


  • Hi thank you for your message I’m seeing the consultant on Monday and was hoping to get straight into it but sounds like it’s not going to be as quick as I thought but at least I am forewarned now so thank you so much for taking the time to reply. 

  • Hi Liz, we’re all here to support you. My diagnosis was in December. I have since had surgery and begun Chemo. 
    Your treatment plan will depend on your cancer. 
    I am happy for you to ask me anything that might help you.

    Sending big hugs Hugging x

    Alfie 24

  • Your first appointment will be about diagnosis and treatment. Until then you can’t really plan anything.

    you will probably see the Breast Cancer Nurse, who stays with you for the entire treatment. They will run through everything with you. Don’t be afraid to ask questions , maybe take a list with you.

    Once your treatment plan is set, it’ll all happen so quickly, you’ll just be carried along by people trying to make you better.


  • I was diagnosed in 2016. I went through chemotherapy and radiation. Now on anastrozole once daily for prevention. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask.  I have found much support from my medical team . Nurses your oncologist are often patient and easy to talk to. 

  • Hello Liz,

    I am into my 8th day of post opt and feeling sore but positive.Slight smile Doing gentle exercises and eating a healthy diet helps the mind to stay focus. My radiotherapy or chemo plan will start after my next appointment with the consultant in 2 weeks time. Sending you lots of hugs and positive vibes your wayHeart

  • Everyone is different and there are many types of breast cancer and plans. So be prepared for lots of scans and tests before they decide best plan of action. Which may also change. I found the waiting the hardest.

    I found a lump in Oct. Diagnosed in Nov and told I would have a lumpectomy in dec, followed by radiotherapy. But 1st I had an mri that found lots more abnormalities in the same breast. In dec told I needed more scans and biopsies. Jan 4th told I needed a mastectomy.

    2weeks now since my mastectomy, immediate tissue reconstruction and lymph node removal. Next week I get results from lymph nodes Fingers crossed other than a bit sore, uncomfortable, and not as energetic, I'm OK. I've learned...1step at a time, and focus on what you can control or have an effect on (diet, exercise, drinking water and asking questions/chasing appointments). Ask anything and lots, never feel a nuisance or silly. And if you need a cry and don't know why, it's still ok to have a cry. It's a roller coaster of a journey. But for me the not knowing and waiting was the worst part.

    Best of luck. They are very good at what they do, but the info they provide varies, sometimes if you don't ask, they don't tell...take a notebook though as sometimes you may feel inundated. Hugs xx

  • Brilliant answer Ricepud - if I may say so.
