Is there someone in my position. That I can just talk too

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Hi my name is Tina. I wondered if there was anyone out there who is around 34 stage 1 breast cancer but is triple positive with her2 and the baraca2 gene undergoing chemo and then radio and a hormone blocker twblet. . Also they tell me they didn't test for a gene called tp53 and I have to wait 3 weeks for those results. Seriously set me back because this gene strain has not much knowledge or research or statistics. Just routine mri once a year to make sure my original cancer doesn't come back and form into brain tumour or bone or muscle. Long shot to find someone going through what I am. Thank you 

  • Hi Tina,

    I didn't quite have the same as you, but let me know in case I can help!

    I was 35 at time of diagnosis in 2021 (now 38), with triple negative stage 2 breast cancer. I had chemo, radio and then found out I have a BRCA1 mutation so underwent a preventative double mastectomy last year (without reconstruction by choice).

    I don't know much about the TP53 gene, but I hope the result will come back negative for you. I'm sorry that it is yet more waiting as we all know that can be agony!

    I remember feeling a bit lost at first when my treatment ended, like I just had to cross my fingers and hope it didn't come back, but I tried to manage that anxiety by lots of self care - eating a varied diet with lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes, moving as much as I can, and having a top-notch sleep routine. Honestly, this has helped me so much in so many ways. Since I had my mastectomy last year it again feels like a weight off my shoulders as I know that I have done what I can to protect myself. Ultimately, we cannot control if our cancers return, but we can only try to do the best for ourselves given the situation. 

    The hormone blocker tablets that you will take will also help to reduce the chance of your cancer recurring (not offered for triple negative, so I don't have much to say about them) and I suppose in between scans you have to be your own advocate and be vigilant if you notice any changes in yourself like a consistent new pain or something strange going on that could be a sign something is not right.

    With your genetic testing, have you been offered any counselling to talk through what you're feeling? Also, I don't know if you know the charity website BRCA chat, it's for people with BRCA mutations and they host events around the UK to meet other people with genetic mutations which may be useful to meet others in a similar scenario (although, not all have had cancer)? They have a lot of good and useful info on their Instagram and website too. 

    It's an awful lot to take in at first, but take time to digest everything and know that there is a lot of power in knowledge. By knowing about your genetic mutation, you have the power to do things to reduce your risk.

    If I can help in any way, don't hesitate to ask, otherwise, I wish you the best of luck with your journey :)


  • Hi, my own situation is very different, but I just wanted to pop in here to say that the lovely folks at Macmillan are always at the end of the phone if you want to chat. The number is 0800 808 0000. Best wishes 

    Community Champion badge

  • Dear Rose,

    Thank you for sharing as your advice is so helpful.Heart

  • Macmillan have a service where they pair you with a volunteer who's gone through same or similar to you. Can talk to them and I found it so helpful. Good luck