Hello Everyone!

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Good Morning everyone!

I was diagnosed with Hormonal breast cancer on the 28th December. Luckily I found the lump so my prognosis is good. I’m due to have a lumpectomy on Wednesday. They did several biopsies and found another lump so they will remove both as they both came back cancerous.

The main thing I’m worried about is my lymph nodes, I had a lymph node biopsie and it did come back as showing there were some cancerous cells so I will be having a full node clearance at the same time.

The NHS have been so amazing and very kind and supportive, I’ve had a bone scan and full body CT scan and they assure me that it hasn’t spread anywhere else.

ive been told I will definitely need radiotherapy, however until they know how many of my lymph nodes are cancerous they can’t rule out chemo.

i know that compared to a lot of people on these forums I’m really lucky.

I consider myself a very positive strong person but for some reason even through I’ve had some really big operations in the past I feel really frightened. I am married and have 2 gorgeous kids 18 and 20 and I just want to protect them from this. I have been very open with them and honest with them. I think my problem is I crack on as normal and smile and tell everyone it will be fine and now all of a sudden it’s hitting me and surgery in a couple of days!

Wow what a long rant!  I’ve never used a forum before but felt like this was a really supportive space.

Helen x

  • Hi Helen, 
    It’s totally normal how you are feeling. The closer my surgery got the more it affected me.
    I had a lumpectomy on 20th December and then mastectomy and node clearance on 25th January. I think the thought of the surgery and waiting is the hardest part. The procedures and recovery have been fine. I actually felt better for knowing I was taking action and everything had been removed. In both cases I felt absolutely fine afterwards.  Two weeks post surgery and I felt back to normal. A bit of arm stiffness but I’m keeping up with my exercises. 
    im still waiting for the pathology results from the node clearance. I’m expecting chemo but will speak to my consultant on Friday. 

    keep busy and know that it will be over before you know it. Wishing you all the best with this next step. 
    Sending hugs

    A x

  • Oh poor you having to have a mastectomy as well. I’m not sure if I need chemo or not or even what the odds are!  I just know that I had the biopsie for my lymph’s and it came back cancerous so I think it depends on ihow many nodes are affected. I’m not sure.  I hope you get your results back soon and it’s super positive x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Helen,

    I'm so sorry to read your post. I had 2 breast biopsies and a lymph one done yesterday and have an MRI on Thursday. I've been told if results are cancer I'll need a lumpectomy but I'm also worried about the lymph node issue. Stay strong. R x

  • I really hope all your scans come back clear, I’m sending you lots of positive thoughts x I'm going to the hospital in an hour for my surgery, feeling a little bit scared but also happy to start getting on with getting this out of my body !

  • Hi Helen,

    This is the perfect place to rant...but you werent really ranting anyway, so don't worry. You don't have to put a strong happy front on here, which is great. I too am married with a 20-year old son. Telling him was one of the worst bits, but he was great.

    I found a lump in Oct diagnosed in Nov & told I wud have lumpectomy in Dec. But mri came back showing lots more, so more biopsies and scans in Dec instead. Jan told I needed a mastectomy. 

    2 weeks ago I had a mastectomy, immediate tissue reconstruction (diep) and lymph node removals.

    Hopefully I get results from lymph nodes next week Pray

    The waiting and telling your family was the worst part for me. I don't know if I've got used to the waiting, or if I'm just preoccupied with recovering from my long op  to get anxious yet about the node results. Either way I know I will prob be nervous when I'm there. Things changed so often, I think I just go with the flow and focus on what I can have an effect on now, not the things that are out of my control.

    Wishing you the very best of luck. They have come a long way and will give you the best course of treatment for you what ever the result. Ask lots of questions (list them as soon as any pop into your head)

    Big hugs xxx

  • Hi Helen,

    Welcome to the group none of us want to be a part of.  I had a lumpectomy, masectomy and full lymph node clearance on 24th January. I had a ct scan before Christmas that showed it hadn't spread but as I had a couple of nodules on the chest wall, I had a radical masectomy which involved removing two muscles. I'm 3 weeks post op and it is getting easier. The lumpectomy discomfort was similar to the biopsies and after a couple of days, setted down well. I am on antibiotics as I have an infection now. They removed 55 lymph nodes, hard to believe there were that many, and 21 had cancerous cells in them. I'm seeing the oncologist tomorrow about my treatment plan.

    My journey started in October 2023 and my appointments are now coming in fast but I don't mind as I want to get to the end of the journey and back to normal.

    Good luck, you have got this x

  • Oh I’m so sorry to hear you have been through so much, it sounds like you are being really well looked after and you also sound like you have the perfect positive attitude to beat this! Sending lots of love and before you know it it will be summer and we can all look back at this period of our lives knowing that we have beaten this disease. I’m obsessed with holidays and travel so I just keep thinking of everywhere I want to travel to! It’s good to have things to look forward to xxx