Newly diagnosed---

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  • 484 subscribers

Hi, I am newly diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer. 

I've had 10-12 years of cyst activity which means although I get checked out, I didn't worry when another one appeared last year. The hospital did a FNA again last July, but by end of October, the same area had swelled up again. Heading into a busy time at work, I left it until January to return to my GP to ask to be referred again for another FNA. 

I didn't panic, and went to the appointment alone. Initially I refused another mammagram as it was exactly 6 months to the day since my last one, and i couldnt see the point. However,  whilst in ultrasound, they decided to take a biopsy....and didn't do any drainage. Alarm bells rang. I agreed to have the mammogram whilst there  and left with a sense of dread. 

This Tuesday I returned with my husband to be told I have a 5cm triple negative grade 2 tumor. Luckily, at the point of having the ultrasound there is no evidence in my lymph nodes, but I swear this tumor is growing daily, and I'm very aware that that could have changed by then.

I will be having my MRI scan next Friday, and the consultant meeting on the 22nd. It all seems so slow....I just want to start treatment,  and it be gone. 

  • Hi Claireabelle

    Sorry  to hear about your diagnosis. I was exactly the same, just wanted the monster out. I was told mine was 5 cms but irregular edges and difficult to measure. Post biopsy I was told it was DCIS.So a bit relieved at that stage as that means pre cancerous. Then after mastectomy turned out there was 7.5 cms DCIS but also some micro invasion too, largest being 3.5mm. I’m also triple negative. It’s a horrible journey to be on but highly unlikely it’s growing significantly in the wait. Try distract yourself with whatever works for you over the next few weeks. Xx

  • Hi Claire belle. The waiting is awful. I thought mine was growing too after the biopsy. It definitely was bigger and not mynimagination. So I called my breast clinic nurse and she tried to reassure me it wasn't, but I wasn't convinced so she told me to come in and they checked it. Like she hadn't grown, but was inflamed from the biopsies. She was perfectly fine with me coming in to put my mind at rest. If its really bothering you phone your breast clinic nurse and ask ( NOT put a brave face on...they think your coping when you're not. Be honest with them so they can help you).

    Very best of luck. This was definitely the worst part for me...the waiting and the unknown. Hang in there and keep posting on here whenever you want advice or rant. Do things that make you smile, but cry if you want to. Big hugs. Xxx

    • Thankyou, your message has helped me alot. Good luck with your journey. X
  • Thankyou. I'm not a very patient patient!