Just saying hello

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I’m a 50 + lady and was diagnosed with breast cancer in October I have just had my 2nd cycle of pre operative chemotherapy.

I am struggling a little bit with this having never been ill before this has come as a shock and I feel I went in well and came out sick I’m not even sure what is normal should I feel sick and tired all the time should I be cross with my partner.

any one else struggling and how do I try and cope with this

  • Hi, sorry you find yourself on here. It most definatly is a shock, we all think it wont happen to us and we need time for it all to sink in. Its not unusual for us to fell unwell, sickness and tiredness is the biggest part of it. Chemo is no walk in the park it all time consuming and we dont feel at our best. Its hard not to want to take it out on someone but i found its better to go into another room on your own and just have some alone time. We all struggle please dont feel alone, try to keep positive and look ahead. I have been on this journey now for 20 years so there is light at the end of the tunnel. Dawn x

  • Hi Jaeb, I understand where you are coming from, similar feeling, I  was fine, then not fine. and people start treating you as a sick person. i spoke with my husband and said this cannot define me (before the chemo) but going through chemo is hard and having someone who is not going through it can be extra hard, it feels unfair, and when they pump you full of steroids and chemicals your tolerance levels will bottom out. Kindness annoys, mess annoys, people are just annoying sometimes.

     try not to be hard on yourself and I am sure the husband just wants you better, but maybe tell the husband the steroids and such are making you less tolerant and you may need to have down times, where you can just be, as suggested in another room or go for a walk. steroid rage is real, for me the week after my chemo i had very low tolerance for anyone tbf, taxol was less so because the steroids were only on the day.

    sometimes the other half was overly helpful others not enough. sadly the rollercoaster of chemo will be hard.

    i found the way to deal is to speak to people who are in the same boat, who let you rant about how effing awful you feel, and how tired and sad you are, and don’t feed you all positivity but support you from the trenches.

    insight from people going through it with you and those who have finished, help us see a light.

    we want to be ok for our families but sometimes we need to accept and say how awful we feel and just get a me too! hugs

  • Thank you for your reply it’s nice to know it’s not just me that’s not copping and I think I need to learn to ask for help (not good at asking for help) and rennet he is not a mind reader