Wha Gwan "Hello'

  • 2 replies
  • 484 subscribers

I was diagnosed with DCIS in October 2022. I had two marker surgeries and then a masectomy. I was doing well until September 2023 when the reality hit me hard I've lossed a part of my body which I guess I took for granted. I am in a relationship and my husband is definitely a boobs man. I feel stuck at the moment my mental health is taking a battering has anyone else felt like that and is it normal?

  • Hi Talawah, yes it is totally normal to feel like this. I had a very delayed reaction to losing my boob. When I was having the mastectomy I was so focused on just getting rid of the cancer that I didn’t think about how I’d feel without a breast. I am trying to accept my new body and to trust it again - but it’s hard. Intimacy with a partner is an issue - having a conversation and working out how to adjust your physical rrelationship will help. But remember Ultimately your husband will want a healthy wife above boobs. Sending you lots of best wishes xxxxx

  •   Thank you so much. One love Thumbsup