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Hello, I'm new to this group. I have been diagnosed with breast cancer a couple of months ago and was discharged from hospital after surgery only 3 days ago. Im overloaded by many difficult emotions. While everyone in Hospital was amazing and positive on the outcome of my recovery I was under impression doctors felt i should be quickly up and running. In reality I can't really walk with straight back, which means the activity is very minimum and painful. My surgery included full breast reconstruction from tummy flap. Can anyone advise how long it took you to start walking normally?

  • Hi, I have had a number of surgeries but not a reconstruction, so I can’t advise about that. However, I think it takes longer to recover from this type of surgery that we might expect or hope. 
    I would say that you need to go at your own pace and, if you are concerned, speak to the breast care nurse, they are very helpful and knowledgeable.

    I hope you have the correct pain relief too as it’s important to exercise and taking regular medication will make activity less painful, advice I was recently given on here and by the bc nurse!!

    I wish you well on your journey and am sure that others who have been through the same operation as you will be able to help. 

  • Hi AMDxx,

    I could have written what you wrote about your recovery. Bear in mind the recovery takes time (regardless of what doctors say!). I had the same surgery and it took about 3 - 4 weeks to start walking with my back straight. Might take even slightly longer. Important thing is that in about 4 - 5 weeks time you'll be walking normally without even thinking about it! Be patient. Do your exercises. Start walking for a couple of minutes a day at first or for as long as you can tolerate without pushing yourself! Take it slowly. You'll be absolutely fine. The very best of luck with your recovery! Big hug,

    Lana xx

  • Thank you Lana, appreciate that Pray 

  • I know you are further down the line now than the initial post. I had a mastectomy and tram flap (stomach)  reconstruction in January. I was in hospital for a week as they weren’t keen to send me home with my drain in. The physio had me up and about 2 days after my op, I’m guessing you were quicker as you were discharged after 3. I found it took a wee while to walk upright properly as my stomach felt very tight and still does to a degree and my breast felt like a brick but is easing up a bit now. I was told I was doing too much at the start so have slowed down a bit. I hope you are recovering well.

  • I got the drains out on day 3 or 4. I honestly can't remember.  I went in on the Tuesday and home on the Friday.  And yup hunch back of notre dam springs to mind.  My legs are still like jelly if I walk about to much. I use a walking stick when outside.  Gives me some support.  And my right side is still quite tight and if I try to do something it protests and I know I need to stop and not do so much. I am managing small chores in the house bit after each one I need to rest.  Don't over do it .  Take it slow and soon we will be riding that wave again 

  • I am nearly 9 weeks post op now. I have a follow up with my plastic surgeon today so hopefully everything is heading in the right direction. Can do most things now, walking short distances,  driving and housework. Although I learnt last week that doing my housework all in one go is not a good idea at the moment. I had my planning ct scan for my radiotherapy, keeping my arms above my head for that length of time was a bit tricky but I’ve got 2 weeks to work on that. Hope you get more mobile soon. 

  • Hi Jen, 

    My surgery was on the beginning of Jan so I have recovered pretty well. I have also spent a week in hospital with flap reconstruction. So nothing unusual I would say as that is an extensive surgery. It took me a month to straight a bit and two months for walking normally. I was pretty skinny before the surgery, which did not help. Down the line I'm back to normality ish. Still don't cycle and need more rest then in the past. 

    Take it slow and don't force yourself as you may cause more damages to newly heal skin. 

    Wish you smooth recovery.