Breast cancer diagnosis

  • 9 replies
  • 484 subscribers

Hi I’m new too the group I’ve just had my diagnosis 2 weeks ago off grade 3 breast cancer and was a little shocked as I had a mammogram in September and was all clear so in December I find a lump in my left breast fast tracked again and they done an ultrasound and biopsy which has confirmed my diagnosis last week I had MRI off breast get called back in today to discuss treatment but I’m more confused as they are saying can’t treat it as hormone tablets as I’m only peremenopause and want to do another ultrasound off both breasts and a biopsy under arm he said I’m complicated as my breasts are so dense so want too do this next biopsy before I have surgery confused a little as too why I need a second ultrasound and second biopsy but under the arm he said couldn’t see anything on the MRI as my boobs are so dense and hard too find the tumor 

  • Hi, sorry you find yourself  here.  My story is similar to yours.  I had a mammogram in November and found a lump in July.  My needle test said cancer but biopsy not.  I had tubular cancer which is hard to diagnose.  I had a sentinel node removed which was clear.  Margins around the area taken away had DCIS in it.  I was initially told it was caught early and then that I had had it some time.  Some things can only be detected under a microscope hence the wait on test results.  

  • Sorry to hear this just so confusing get so much told too you my head is hurting trying to understand it all what treatment did you need they said I will b having surgery first then chemo but won’t treat me with hormone tablets as I’m not in full blown menopause 

  • Hi Lulu1074, sorry to hear of your diagnosis. I can’t understand why they are saying no to hormone tablets, I was premenopausal prior to my surgery, chemo and radiotherapy and they have put me on tamoxifen which is for premenopausal. Sometimes they might want to do a different option depending on age as they may need to suppress ovaries too. I wasn’t allowed to take my hormone tablets until I had finished all my treatment. They are possibly wanting to do another biopsy and ultrasound to double check things. From what I have seen and read women who have dense breasts it’s not quite as straight forward so they will want to check things out. You might find it helpful calling your breast care nurse to see if she can explain a little more to you. Others on here who have dense breasts will hopefully be able to enlighten you more.

    Wishing you all the best

    Hugs from cuffcake x x x x x

  • Thank you just the waiting just want to start the treatment so I can get my head all round it he said it isn’t triple negative and none of my receptors where showing hormone levels so my MRI I had last week was hard too see anything as the breasts are too dense and wants to get a repeat ultrasound and biopsy off the armpit area then they can do the surgery he said usely they start you on hormone tablets straight away but he doesn’t want to do that he just said your complecated and need further checks I might send her an email ask her too explain as she said last week when she called that I would most probably be treated as a triple negative today they say not sure sorry for going on just very confused thank you for your support. Xx

  • Hi lulu. Your story sounds similar to mine.

    I has regular mammogram in Aug which was clear.

    Oct I noticed a lump. Mammogram done again...nothing. So ultrasound that found something suspicious, so several biopsies taken from lump.

    Early nov diagnosis dcis early stage. Consultant said lumpectomy followed by radiotherapy. Defo in dec. So avoided any social etc not wanting to ctch anything that might delay op. But wanted mri to check both entire breaststroke just in case.

    Early Dec went in thinking getting details for op. But told mri showed larger areas, but can't tell what they are, so more scans and biopsies. But told results tween xmas and new year and op 1st week Jan.

    Results were 2nd Jan. Told so much cancer I need a mastectomy. Referral made today to another hospital (consultant said only 2 weeks and i dont now need radiotherapy so can have reconstruction at same time, after which ok to drive after 2 weeks). But reconstruction nurse said op usually aim fir month AFTER seeing surgeon in other hospital, but unsure of waiting time to see them. Plus 6-8 weeks min to recover. She said because my tissue so dense it was difficult to see anything in scand and get biopsies. Up till now i feel my consultant was over optimistic throughout, even when i specifically asked for all possibilities not just best scenarios. But he was insistent it was one lumpectomy and would be done in 2023 with a fast recovery. Too many ups and downs im very cautious about any promises now. But the last nurse seems more open about all the possibilities. She said if i wasnt menopausal i would have tamoxifen (a hormone blocker cos my cancer is hormone receptive). 

    Read what other folk post on here, I have learned so much and enables me to ask questions which I wouldn't have known to ask. You MUST ask questions, as they can't give you ALL the information as it would be overload. But be prepared for plans to change several times...frustrating, but I suppose the nature of this is trying to establish so much detail to deliver the best plan.

    Sorry so long. VERY, very  best of luck. This is a fantastic group to get help, support, advice, information and just rant. Massive hugs. Xx

  • Hi lulu. Your story sounds similar to mine.

    I had regular mammogram in Aug which was clear.

    Oct I noticed a lump. Mammogram done again...nothing. So ultrasound that found something suspicious, so several biopsies taken from lump.

    Early nov diagnosis dcis grade 3. Consultant said lumpectomy followed by radiotherapy. Defo in dec. So avoided any social etc not wanting to catch anything that might delay op. But consultant wanted mri to check both entire breasts just in case.

    Early Dec went in thinking getting details for op. But told mri showed larger areas, but can't tell what they are, so more scans and biopsies. But told results tween xmas and new year and op 1st week Jan.

    Results were 2nd Jan. Told there was much more cancer so I need a mastectomy. Referral made today to another hospital (consultant said only 2 weeks and i dont now need radiotherapy so can have reconstruction at same time, after which ok to drive after 2 weeks). But reconstruction nurse yesterday said op usually aim for month AFTER seeing surgeon in other hospital, but unsure of waiting time to see them. Plus 6-8 weeks min to recover. She said because my tissue so dense it was difficult to see anything in scans or to even get biopsies. Up till now i feel my consultant was over optimistic throughout, even when i specifically asked for all possibilities not just best scenarios. But he was insistent it was one lumpectomy and would be done in 2023 with a fast recovery. Too many ups and downs, so im very cautious about any promises now. But the last nurse seems more open about all the possibilities. She said if i wasnt menopausal i would have tamoxifen (a hormone blocker cos my cancer is hormone receptive). 

    Read what other folk post on here, I have learned so much and enables me to ask questions which I wouldn't have known to ask. You MUST ask questions, as they can't give you ALL the information as it would be overload. But be prepared for plans to change several times...frustrating, but I suppose the nature of this as they are trying to establish so much detail to deliver the best plan.

    Sorry so long. VERY, very  best of luck. This is a fantastic group to get help, support, advice, information and just rant. Massive hugs. Xx

  • So sorry you went through so much I have emailed my breast nurse asked a few questions I should have asked all I keep being told it’s complicated as off  my dense breasts hard too see what’s going on as you say I have to get the right  path I’m finding the group great reading peoples story’s thank you xx

  • Hang on in there. It can be so frustrating. If you need a rant without worrying about people's reactions, or ask anything no matter how silly or how ever often, this is the place. Reading everyone's stories can be so helpful in MANY ways. But even if not relevant to you, we are all here to support each other (none of us want to be here, but I would have found it MUCH harder if i wasnt).

    Best of luck ... to both of us