Breaking the News to other when you have social anxiety...

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  • 493 subscribers

Hi there! I am 30 years old and have just been diagnosed with HER2 positive breast cancer. I don't know what stage I am yet, still waiting for a scan (said every cancer patient always Sweat smile) I am also doing an ovarian stimulation to get some eggs frozen before we continue onwards with the more serious cancer treatments. 

This all happened 4 days ago and it seems like I have lived a year worth in just a few days while at the same time I feel like time stopped altogether and I am living a nightmare waiting to wake up any time and be told it was all just a terrible dream

I am still very much processing all this new information and stupidly enough I have also been struggling with breaking the news to my friends, family and people around me. 

On the one hand I dont want people to have pity, I dont want them to treat me differently, I am afraid of how they will react, I am afraid I can't control my emotions when I tell them etc...

I am an over-thinker by definition and I am also doing an hormone treatment for IVF that is maybe not helping me to feel as calm and collected as I could. 

I have already told my family but I still dont think I can break the news to my friends and work colleagues, at least not just yet...   

If you have any advice on how you broke the news to people around you let me know. Or just say hi in the comments that is good too :) 

  • Hi Patricia

    4 days is very early, I’m not surprised that you’re not ready to share this beyond those closest to you. I hadn’t processed my diagnosis that quickly, and didn’t really feel ready to tell anyone other than immediate family until I had some idea about what I was facing.
    It was a bit easier as I’m not working, but there were some people who had to know because I had commitments that needed cancelling, but I didn’t go into details, I just let them know I had been diagnosed with breast cancer and would need some time off until I’d got over surgery and other treatment. 

    Sorry you’ve joined our club, but good luck with your journey. 

  • Hi, I’m so sorry to hear of your diagnosis. It’s bad enough at any age but I really think it’s more difficult when you are younger. I was diagnosed with cervical cancer at age 31. Luckily I had two children but it was still pretty devastating all the same. I had a hysterectomy and managed to avoid any further treatments. However this horrible disease came back to haunt me in April aged 52. initially diagnosed with stage 1 hormone receptive cancer. I’ve had two surgeries in 6 weeks as my first surgery didn’t achieve clear margins around the breast tumour and there was cancer in the lymph node removed. So I had the second surgery last week to try and achieve a clear margin again and remove all lymph nodes. Now just waiting for results  

    like you I’m an over thinker but as time has gone on I’ve tried to occupy myself with walking and listening to music and watching more upbeat tv programmes and films. Initially I wanted to know everything which is just typical of a nurse. I also did a lot of talking about it and crying. Then one day I just thought I’ve had enough of feeling so rubbish every minute of every day so I’ve also started doing some meditation and exercise and that’s really helped. I’m not particularly religious but have also tapped into some spiritualism and that’s somehow helping me make sense of some stuff. I now use some affirmations and strategies when negativity creeps in and believe me that has happened alot but when it’s a not so good day I also try to accept it because it’s okay to not be okay all of the time.

    as for friends i already planted the seed after getting called back for another mammogram as my instinct told me I would get a positive result. I would say do this when you are ready. It’s your diagnosis and it’s the one thing you have control of. I broke the news to a friend on a day when I felt ok and then got her to tell our mutual friend because I knew she would cry like a baby bit of a cop out but your entitled. So it might not even be you who cries first. I did later have to console that very upset friend at a later date and feel a bit emotional even speaking about that. Do it your way even if that is by text as I’ve also done that.  it’s a journey for sure! 
    anyway sorry for rambling. If you ever want a chat just message. Some days you don’t want to chat and other days you want to let go of it all.

    look after yourself Heart️ JS7

  • Hi PatriciaM

    Welcome to the ;forum and sorry to hear that you have been diagnosed with breast cancer. Macmillan have a booklet that tells you how to tell people that you have cancer, You can either look at it online or order it from Macmillan to be sent to you.  Here's the link to the booklet: 

    Talking about cancer booklet | Macmillan Cancer Support.  Hopefully you will find it useful.

    There is also a forum for breast cancer patients under 50 that you can join as well to get support.  Here's the link: Breast cancer for the under-50s forum .

    Wishing you the best of luck with your treatment.

    Best wishes


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