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  • 494 subscribers

Hello I’ve recently been diagnosed with breast cancer awaiting chemo in a couple of weeks. My anxiety is through the roof and although the experts keep telling me my cancer hasn’t spread I keep convincing myself otherwise and every twinge and tweak in my body and I’m awake and driving myself absolutely insane. Im struggling to control my thoughts and feeling quite terrified. I guess it’s that feeling that I can’t do anything about this now I just have to crack on I just want to be able to sleep and believe in the doctors. They are doing a breast MRI but I keep thinking shall I ask for a full body scan but they say there’s no need lymph nodes are clear and everything is okay. 

  • Hi Hun sorry to hear you are struggling with this. You will drive yourself crazy if you don't except what you are being told. You needed to concentrate on one stage at a time.  Deal with you chemotherapy sessions first and worry about the next step when it arrives. It's going to be a very hard long journey if not. Good luck x

  • Hi Betsy23, sorry to hear of your diagnosis. I to thought every twinge and pain was cancer spreading, it’s a natural thing to think because of the unknown. You don’t mention what type of cancer or chemo treatment you are having and whether you have had surgery already. An MRI will help and there is no harm in asking for a PET staging scan but if the lymph nodes are clear that’s a good sign and based on that it sounds like your medical team are confident of no spread. I had 10 out of 14 positive for cancer. You seem to have your plan with chemo starting in a couple of weeks. This is what you need to focus on. 
    Someone once gave me this advice and I found it helped me get through the waiting times which are always the worst as our mind will run riot.

    “you are basically a passenger during treatment so try and focus on the view (the good stuff that surrounds us) and leave the driving and stress to your medical team.”

    If you click on my name you can read my journey so far.

    Wishing you all the best.

    Hugs from cuffcake x x x x x


  • Hi Betsy23

    Welcome to the forum and sorry to hear that you have been diagnosed with breast cancer.  I was diagnosed with breast cancer over two years ago with lymph node involvement and had chemo, surgery and radiotherapy and I have been cancer free for two years now.

    Wishing you the best of luck with your treatment.

    Best wishes


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