Grade 2 Invasive Ductal Carcinoma ER/PR positive HER 2 negative Breast Cancer

  • 6 replies
  • 499 subscribers

Hi All,

I’ve been diagnosed with Grade 2 Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, ER/PR positive, HER 2 negative Breast Cancer in May and I follow this website since then. I found it really supportive and helpful.

I found a big lump on my breast accidentally in April. After mammography, X-ray, biopsy, I’ve been diagnosed with cancer. I also had MRI.
Tomorrow I’ve got mastectomy of my left breast with 1-2 sentimental node biopsy. I’m not sure if I will be able to sleep tonight...Lump removal wasn’t an option in my case as lump is big compare to my breast size. Don’t know yet if I’ll need radiotherapy or chemotherapy after, I will find out 2 weeks after surgery. I know I’ll be on hormone treatment for 10 years.
It is very sad and I had a cry this morning, it’s last day that I’ve got two breasts, but I try to stay positive as have 2 little kids and loving husband to live for:)

  • Hi Rainbow100

    Welcome and sorry to hear that you have been diagnosed with Breast Cancer and that you have to lose your left breast. It’s perfectly understandable that you are feeling sad at losing your left breast but while it doesn’t seem like it now it will be worth it in order to get better. 

    I was diagnosed with Triple Negative Breast Cancer last September and as I had chemo before hand I only needed a lumpectomy. The operation was straight forward and apart from a little pain afterwards I was fine. I was given a prescription for painkillers before I left the hospital and I took them whenever I needed to. As your are having a sentinel node biopsy you will be injected with a radioactive dye to show up the nodes before your operation. The injection doesn’t hurt at all.

    Best of luck with your surgery tomorrow and if you do need chemo and/or radiotherapy while I won’t pretend it’s easy however it is doable. I’m currently in the middle of radiotherapy treatment and apart from fatigue I’m doing well.

    Best wishes

    Daisy53 x

    Community Champion Badge

  • Sorry to hear about your experience. I'm a man I've had my left breast mastectomy and 4 lymph nodes removed. Please be positive about it speak to your cancer nurse , a note to your husband plenty of hugs, hopefully you will be ok. I had my op on 4/5/21 just waiting to start radiation therapy

  • Hi Daisy53,

    Thank you for your reply:)

    Seems like you went through a lot. All best with your radiotherapy. I won’t to believe our breast cancer will make us stronger after all.

    Take care!

  • Hi Trucker Mike,

    Thank you for reply, I’ll tell my husband:)

    All the best with your treatment, hope all go well.

    Take care!

  • I was in your boat in January when I had my masectomy. I'm now nearly finished chemo then onto radiotherapy. It's very daunting but you will get through it

     Your body can do amazing things. Good luck for tomorrow and take the morphene lol xx

  • Hi Trucker Mike

    Best of luck with your radiotherapy. I'm having it at the moment and it's not too bad.

    Best wishes


    Community Champion Badge