27 inflammatory breast cancer

  • 13 replies
  • 316 subscribers

Hi all,

Looking for anyone around 27 or under 30 who has been diagnosed or anyone who has had IBC. Please shed some positive light  - all I tend to hear is ‘oh you are young!’ 

I was diagnosed back in November after discovering lump under left breast in September month after followed by swelling, alot of pain and then redness. Back and forth from GP as not easy to diagnose, they thought matisis, so prescribed antibiotics and eventually refered for a scan. (Not got kids) Started chemo after 2 weeks of diagnosis and nearly finished. Tumour has shrunk from 7cm to around half the size. Due to have Diep flap surgery followed by radiotherapy. My diagnosis is ER+/PR-/HER2-, in lymph nodes. No family history, genetics show no BRCA gene. 

Would be great to hear from anyone who has similar diagnosis and positive stories. You can never be too young!!! Xx

  • Thank you so much for that, and I’m so happy to hear you’re doing so well! There really is little online and what there is is scary! So it’s good to hear positivity! 

    I will let you know how I get on, really hoping this rash disappears soon as otherwise regardless of biopsy results I’m guessing I’d have to go for further tests as ibc hasn’t been tested for as the rash wasn’t there last Monday when I had my biopsy xxx 

  • I feel for you hun. I had chemo, a mastectomy and radiation and someone told me that it would surprise me how quickly the treatment would go but I must admit they were right although after my first chemo I didn't want to go back but I did. We find an inner strength in us and I found a positive in every day. Tomorrow is never promised hun. Hope always and good luck that treatment passes quickly for you too.Sending healing hugs. Jxxx <3

  • I feel the same after my first chemo side effects. I really don't want to go back for further chemo, there are some days where i feel I won't make it in life and Some times lose hope. Will I ever be the same person. Thank you so much for telling me your experience and strength xx