39 y/o Stage 2 now stage 4

  • 25 replies
  • 316 subscribers

Hi ladies 

I don’t know who else to talk to… I was told that I had a stage 2 BC but the pet scan revealed that there were three spots on my liver. It’s hers2 with lymph node involvement and I am absolutely devastated. I now have to have a brain scan to see if it has spread to my brain. 

anyone else had this experience? 

many information would be really helpful 

  • I really sorry about this . That’s frustrating with a capital F. Just to add something on the back of what you have said - mine was oestrogen and progesterone positive. Just after surgery I was told I’d be going on Anastrazole hormone treatment after radiotherapy. I asked if I could start straightaway. (Remember I had the CT scan thing too). Was told that they like to wait until after radio, so that they can establish if any side effects are caused by the tablets rather than the radiotherapy. My response was that I wanted to start straightaway. They did let me. During radiotherapy, the same consultant that I mentioned above kept asking me how I was doing on them. I was fine, but had the commonly experienced ankle joint pain. She then told me something that no one had said before … that for my pathology result it was really important that I did not stop taking the tablets, because for me (strong hormone receptive) they were more important than chemo (I had six rounds of that before surgery). She really stressed that. x

  • Sorry - not sure why that bit went bold! Must have done something somewhere ….

  • Yes I was wondering about that. Being diagnosed in March and still not on hormone blockers. Maybe they can't do that during chemo. So 5 months of chemo coming up and then radiation therapy and then hormone blockers. That puts me well into next year before I start them. Hmmmm

  • I started them three weeks after surgery,  before radiotherapy, but only because I requested to. . I had a mastectomy one week after finishing chemo. Could you ask?

  • Not bone mets!

    Apologies for late reply; I was offline for six and a half days. Great news about it not being bone mets!

    I never had EC, I had AC and all its blessings.... did 3 out of 4 prescribed treatments, but that came after months of other systemic treatment, so when it got to a certain point we stopped. 

    Going to read the rest of the thread from the last few days now.