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First meeting following surgery today, so it’s been a bit emosh. Had craniotomy and major debulking on 9 Feb. Surgery and recovery was uneventful - one of my new favourite words- the others are mostly swear words!! As I had been warned, I have a high grade glioma. Surgery removed most of it, but prognosis is poor, even with radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

I just feel so useless. I need constant supervision and can’t even make myself a cup of tea! My husband and daughter have been brilliant looking after me but I haven’t really expressed how grateful I am. I struggle to manage my drug regime, can’t even walk in the garden unsupervised, and the mix of tumour, drugs and menopause has turned me into a witch. 

Need to have some more scans before radiotherapy can start in about 5 weeks, so we’re back to living in a time warp - no idea what day of the week it is, empty diary and who cares if you go to bed at 8pm and are up at 4am?

My only interest is food! Steroids are making me over-eat so have put on excess weight, which then exacerbates back pain, so I am actually making myself feel worse. I would like to get some of my old self back and regain some self-control, but I think what I actually need to do is learn to like the new me

Love, strength and good vibes to all xx

  • Just try to keep myself occupied really. Have been doing puzzle books, reading and listening to the radio- I struggle to watch the TV

    Tomorrow is my last day on half mg of steroids (Dex) so hoping that after a few days they’ll be none left in my system.

    Have had some lovely homemade soup that was delivered by a friend, and I celebrate all my lovely friends and neighbours 

    Best wishes xxx

  • Enjoy your massage. I love a good massage 

    love n hugs

    Wee Me xx

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Keep going, my sleep pattern is all over the place. I think some of that is due not being able to live a full active life. Like you to give me something to focus on mind been adult Lego kits including Star Wars helmets, jig saw puzzles with No straight edge. Plus the cheapest is colouring books for adults. It all helps the day go a long. Hope you have good outcome plus enjoy your soup. 

    All the best.

  • It will be the highlight of my week xx

  • I have been given some sweary adult colouring books - they are nice patterns/pictures but with some harsh words included, so they are a good distraction.

    I do seem to be in a bit of a muddle though, what with paperwork, magazines etc. piling up on the table next to my chair - I call it my diva’s empire!

    I am usually awake by 2 or 3am, but have managed a bit longer today

    Oh, and I believe that it’s Tuesday today - not that it makes any difference!

    Our weather forecast is good today so my husband will hang some washing out (that will be my morning joy) and I should get some strolling done

    Stay strong - good vibes to you xxx

  • Is it Tuesday? I have my own junk corner, plus lot of unopened magazines from my teaching job. Now living on my own get away with my junk corner. Sounds we have been on the same journey. I was like a different person three years ago, not able to do anything for myself. I am hoping your journey will become more positive for you and family. 
    I believe my son having twins went in hospital, got pictures of me holding them in hospital just after they were born. Tubes etc everywhere, but now got a lovely grandkids. I still believe that I didn’t want the twins only memories of grandad was me in hospital. Got to try to cut swearing when they are around. 
    Here is to positive thoughts and to being able to do more. 
    keep in touch xxx

  • I am so pleased to hear how much progress you have made over recent years. You should be very proud of yourself and it gives me hope. It is fantastic that you are able to live on your own - that is not something that I could imagine for myself.

    You’re right, keep that swearing in check in front of the grandchildren- I can let rip as it’s only me, my husband and the dog at home. I do swear at the dog quite a lot as she is more barky since I have been ill and home 24/7. Also, she doesn’t like the zimmer frame and can’t work out that she could just turn around when she is in my way, but instead we have a little stand-off and eventually she will reverse! Retreating slowly.

    I hope you have a good day xx

  • Puzzle books are a must, I wonder what books you’re reading - anything good? I’m the opposite, I find it hard to concentrate on books so I watch more TV, plus Duolingo (I’m totally addicted) and online courses on edx. About a 10th of it goes in, but at least I feel like I’m still using my brain.

    Bless neighbours with soup! Heart️ I don’t get to complain, but after two years people stop bringing you soup, and start treating you a bit more normally, haha! 

    good luck when you’re off the steroids, just keep eating - your appetite will steady out again.

    hugs xxx

  • Hello I am 60 young male, cannot remember the name of my tumour. Apparently it all started about five years was bad headache for days, eventually DR rushed me to hospital. Where I went through everything started chemo etc. Then the consultant called for a family meeting, where he sat us down and said the chemo wasn’t working, plus it’s rare but he said it was terminal and I had three months to live. My family thought to get me home to spend the three months in surround with family etc. All I remember I was stuck in hospital bed couldn’t lift myself out or nothing. The three went by started to feel bit better speech got better, and I was feeling stronger. Like you was swearing a lot. But getting stronger sitting up in bed , walking to bathroom with a frame. I continued to get stronger, my wife opened up that’s she been having affair because of the three months. I’ve got a permanent catheter and sleeping in separate bed rooms because still needed hospital bed. I told her even in my position go and be with him. So my sos and daughter in law found me a one bed flat, so house was sold and moved to flat beginning of my new life book. Had a lot of care to begin with. Now five later still here can walk now with a stick, walking like had a few pints taking lots of pills to control pain etc.Got lovely three children and now six grandchildren around me . Good news was my x new d head was caught with another woman. 
    Hopefully my cancer story will give you some new hope. Don’t worry about the family situation that’s part of my journey with my new friend cancer. Like I said I started a new dairy and journey. It’s was funny the other day went had to go back and have scan again, the consultant couldn’t believe that I accepted the meeting and walked into his office with walking stick. 
    The scan showed it was still there but now classed as dormant, with another area apparently not thier before. But also dormant, the only thing they think because it’s so rare when the other area becomes active, where it located it’s good night. So have said he could use me as a test case. 
    Really hope my journey gives you some hope with your journey. Plus don’t forget if you want to discuss your journey please keep in touch, especially how your journey is going or if you hit a bumpy patch. It might be easier to vent at me instead of family. 
    Good luck, best wishes Graham