Brain cancer ruined my relationship

  • 44 replies
  • 33 subscribers

Has anyone dealt with a relationship/ marriage breakup whilst dealing with cancer?

My husband has changed so much and his bad behaviour is getting worse that i cannot cope being with him anymore


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Helena, It was a great reply.

    The old brain doesn't well the best some of the times. You don't been the tomorrow ways. Thanks for the reply and look forward for the hope and good times.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Sorry my gramma was as you should. Sorry but my brain is a mess these day

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I am so sorry you are going through this nightmare. I went through lots of similar situations with my husband. He had an oligoastrocytoma grade 3 he passed away in February after an 8 yr battle.Thre are no words I can find to give you hope, it is a cruelly ruthless cancer physically  and mentally. I can only send you hugs and hope you can find the strength to see it through

    Love to you all x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thanks for your lovely message.

    I find it difficulty to write now, I used to be a lawyer and regularly write well.

    I work in a temporary community warehouse making furniture. It helps me through the time. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Furnitureman, I’m so pleased you are doing something positive. You sound such a lovely person and I’m sorry this happened to you. I’m sure you will make a difference in this world with your furniture making. At least it is so productive and positive to do such a thing. Wish you lots and lots of luck with everything. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Maggs

    Thanks you for your message. I am so so sorry for your loss. 

    Brain tumours I have found are so different to other cancers because of the different mental abilities. I don’t even know sometimes if my husband realised how mean he’d been, but would also almost get a kick out of being as nasty as possible . Then later would be asking if I wanted some champagne or something as if nothing had happened. I remember my birthday a few years ago and he berated me in a restaurant. I started crying and he was mocking that everyone was looking at me and for me to stop ‘blubbing’ and then about an hour later calmly said, ‘ would you like some champagne?!’ By that time is left all my dinner and it had gone cold and I was just devastated. I’d even said, not today, please, not on my birthday! I am writing this as I do miss him. I miss the nice man. So doing this helps remind me of why I left him. He must have been ill for a very long time. I did in fact used to look at him sometimes and think, ‘there’s something wrong with your brain’ as nobody would speak and do the things he did to me. But yeah, it’s soo sooo hard as if I’d known about the brain tumour I obviously wouldn’t have left and would have tried to get help. That too makes me feel guilty. Thought the brain tumour charity were great and said I did the right thing by leaving as you can’t live with someone if they’re so abusive that you have to get the police etc. 

    Big hugs to you Maggs. I hope next year will be a good year for you xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Sorry for typos, my phone rang in the middle of this and I don’t know how to edit on here Joy

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thank you for your sharing. I have never in my 62 yrs dealt with anything so awful. I miss my husband terribly,  but, the man that left me was not the man I new 8 yrs ago when all that began. It is a cruel disease 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I absolutely agree. I’m so so sorry for your suffering. The problem is I know even if something happens, his family are so awkward they wouldn’t allow me to the funeral even. I can’t believe it’s all gone so horribly wrong. His family certainly haven’t helped and have made the situation worse. For so long I wanted to ask them for help as something wasn’t right, but now I’m allowed nowhere near him. It’s unbelievable. Last night I dreamt that we were back together and then I woke this morning and realised the truth. It’s awful. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hello Helena,

    I read your post and it so resonated with what happened to my beloved partner of almost 6 years. I am sorry anyone has to go through any of this.

    I am a serious cancer survivor myself and when I met my partner I was so blessed and we had a good and happy life together. She was a angel to me. 

    Around Nov 2018 she started to be off. Oddly complaining about me and making some uncharacteristically terrible business decisions. She just was not herself but wrote it off to stress.

    In july 2019 she went limp on her left side as if stroke had occurred but she kept stating she felt like she was having a nervous breakdown.  Turns out she had glioblastoma in right front lobe. Had surgery, radiation, chemo.

    I was caring for her but she changed dramatically. She became very paranoid and just seemed to forget we were ever a loving couple. I was crying a lot over her being sick and breaking down. But I worked hard as I could to love her and care for her.

    She really hated me though and was interpreting things in twisted ways and no doctor ever said this could happen.  She ganged up with her family and they threw me out of her house with the police and got a restraining order a few days later. I had 10 mins to leave.

    The family was so hateful but she worked with them to destroy me. I miss her so much I can not bear it. She was like the sunshine and this evil illness and her family erased everything we had.

    I last saw her in Oct and I know I will never see her again. I think about her all the time and worry how she is but I think she hates me so much and probably does not care if I am even alive. Her sister who she lives with has set it up so all ties are severed.

    Cancer is evil. I had colon cancer and nearly died but when cancer gets into the brain it takes away the personality and it is weird but the more she hated me the more she loved her family. The change was selective.  She almost seemed like a child like a kind of regression.

    Life is pretty much over for me without her. I want to love her and care for her but it will not be so all I can do is pray for her and love her in my heart.

    I wish you well under terrible tragic circumstances.