Support appreciated

  • 6 replies
  • 34 subscribers

Hi, I don’t actually have a formal diagnosis for what is happening with me yet so I hope it is okay to talk in this forum. I am a woman in my twenties and In June I began experiencing some dizziness, lightheadedness and minor headaches. I went to the doctors who ran lots of blood tests, all came back normal other than I was extremely deficient in folic acid and vitamin D which the doctor thought was the cause of my symptoms. I took prescriptions of both of these for months but the symptoms persisted so I went back to the doctors. At this time I also noticed a small lump in the back of my neck which I got scanned via an ultrasound, I was given the results quickly that this was a normal lymph node and nothing to worry about. However because my dizziness persisted my gp told me that eventhough he thought this was nothing serious he would refer me for an MRI scan of my brain to rule anything sinister out. I had the MRI on the 29th December and honestly was not worried at all as in the months of waiting for my appointment to come through for the scan my dizziness has significantly improved and the headaches are minor and do not happen too often, which I thought was the folic acid and vitamin D working. Having said this I received a call from my GP on the 3rd January to inform me that they had “found something on your brain, it’s localised to one area but we can’t tell anymore without further imaging”. I have been referred to a neurologist under an urgent referral and am awaiting additional imaging to confirm a diagnosis. 
I am really trying to remain positive and hopeful that this will not be worst case scenario and will be easily treated. As I’m sure everybody here can understand though this is probing difficult and I am absolutely worried sick about what the outcome of this will be. I don’t really know why I felt the need to post in here I suppose just to maybe hear from people who have had a similar experience. 
Thank you for your time. 

  • HI Worriedme

    a warm welcome to the online community. 

    I've said repeatedly on here that not knowing is a 1000 times worse than knowing. It's only natural to slip into "what if" mode so please don't be too hard on yourself here. It's a scary time and your worry is totally understandable. I hope you're not kept waiting too long for your appointment with the neurologist..

    In the meantime, please steer clear of Dr Google. He's a scary dude and will only feed your worry. Focus on the facts.

    Can i suggest that you note down any fears and concerns and questions that you might have and take those notes with you to the next appointment. They can act as a script and make sure you don't forget to ask something that's important to you. It might also be an idea to take someone with you to that appointment.

    This group is a safe and supportive space so please reach out here anytime. There's always someone about to listen who gets it, someone to hold your hand and to offer a virtual hug when its needed. You're not alone. We've got you.

    There's also the MacMillan Help Line ( the number is below) and you can reach out to them for support and guidance too.

    For now though, please try to stay as calm as you can (easier said than done I know) Take each day as it comes.

    Sending you a huge virtual hug and lots of positive energy

    love n hugs

    Wee Me xx

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • My goodness , I would be worried and scared too, I have been treated for endometrial cancer this last year and facing

    the unknown is very traumatic. I do hope you get a good result and that all goes well for you. I will say from my

    experience once they have a clear picture of what they can do to help you, all you have to do is turn up and accept any

    treatment offered. Everyone was  wonderful to me without exception and  my treatment happened  in a relaxed

    atmosphere with a minimum of anxiety, really a wonderful experience to have  trained people being so kind and caring,

    not  just physically  but emotionally supportive in  all they did  as well. We are not alone on our  journey, accept any help

    offered, be good to  yourself. You are the age of  my grandchildren, I send you a  very  big hug and best of wishes, I

    hope you have someone to go to your appointment/s with you, I found an inner strength ( because I tried to be brave)

    and it helped a lot, plus they can pick up on things  that may pass you by or even ask questions you may be too

    overwhelmed to take in.I will say my follow up letters very clearly spelled out what was said anyhow and dont be afraid

    to keep in contact if anything puzzles you its very important to them that you are fully informed.

    Much love  Annie

  • Hi Annie,

    thank you so much for your response and I am so sorry for what you are going through. I received an appointment today with a consultant which will take place on Tuesday morning to hopefully receive more clarity regarding my diagnosis. I am really trying to remain positive but the longer I wait without knowing the harder it is not to let my mind slip into worst case scenario thoughts. 
    Thankfully I have 2 close family members attending the appointment with me for support. I just hope and pray that the diagnosis isn’t as bad as I am imagining and can be easily treated. 

    Much love,

    Lois x 

  • I will be thinking of you on Tuesday, and you know I will be wishing you well. We see ourselves in isolation, but it is soon obvious that whatever the  problem and solution they have a wealth of experience to help us. My mantra has been  whatever the outcome of my treatment it would not be for want of trying by a team of very wonderful  people, I am hugely grateful. I really  hope  your diagnosis is the best possible for you and your very  natural anxiety turns to one of relief.

    I am so glad you have family with you, it is a blessing and they need to feel involved.

    Much love Annie

  • I was very moved yesterday by  your  story, and have been thinking of you and your family today. I honestly dont know how  you managed to be so brave and find the inner strength to move on after such an ordeal. Except for the   thread that  ran through everything, it was LOVE. Your  husband sounds a wonderful man and  you encouraged him  in his  journey to  enjoy the best life he  could have ,I cant imagine how  scary that must have been , you are a wonderful and strong person. It would be so nice to think that everyone had someone  like you in their life when the  chips are down and we feel  vulnerable. I too have been  blessed with a loving partner, and my 2 daughters and  am now on 3 monthly  checkups.  with fingers crossed. I have been overwhelmed  by the kindness and love of strangers ( not  just 'doing  my  job' )but  actually  giving of themselves and creating hope. I am so sorry your outcome was the complete opposite of what you would have  wished,  you  were both so  young, it distresses me when people  who actually like ( at the  very least) each other  dont get  to live long and happy lives together, when there are so many couples who bring out the worst in each other and survive, it seems  so wrong and very sad.

    I am glad you have your support  group, and I am glad that you are  an on line presence reaching out to others. It means such a lot.

    I wish you and your  family a Happy new year, lots of cherished memories and  the  bright future I am sure  he would have wished you to embrace.

    Much love  Annie

  • Thank you, Annie, and a belated Happy New Year to you too.  May 2025 be kinder to us all. 

    love n hugs

    Wee Me xx

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm