Coping at the start

  • 2 replies
  • 32 subscribers

6 weeks ago i was told i had a brain tumour. I am having an incredible tough time trying to process that news. I have a very young family 3 children and i cannot stop worrying about the future and how they will cope without a mummy. It is emotionally very difficult and although i would love to try and be strong it is almost impossible. It has started to affect my relationship with my husband because i cant pretend ti be ok and i feel that there is more distance between us what can i do to improve this, i cant risk losing him at this hard time.

  • Hi musgrove19 welcome to the forum and I am so very sorry to hear that news.

    I cant even begin to imagine how you might be feeling or what to say to you to make any of this any better for you.

    I wonder if it would be helpful for you to have someone that you could speak to about how you are feeling and how to help with telling  the children and what you can do to make sure that they dont forget mummy. The Macmillan Line has Specialist Nurses that could help you to process all this information and have someone to talk with if you could give them a  call on 08088080000.

    I know they also have publications that you can get to talk with the children and they are very child friendly publications.

    I am so sorry not to be of more help for you but will be thinking of you. xxxx  


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  • What brain tumour is it? There are some that are better than others.

    Obviously after the diagnosis your personality will change and will keep changing as you go on, and the way others perceive you will also change, some will bend over backwards to help (to the point of becoming annoying), others will try and avoid you because they cannot deal with the stress and so on. 

    If you are having to deal with the disease it might be an idea to look for help at home, especially with 3 children. Parents, siblings, someone to clean the house or take kids to school etc.

    You do not have to be strong, just try and be practical, it's a good way to deal with all this. And you need 200% support from hubby and close family, this without saying. In terms of priority, nothing, absolutely nothing tops your disease and your personal needs. 

    But these are general comments, a lot depends on what tumour it is you're dealing with.