Recent diagnosis / awaiting CT scan

  • 5 replies
  • 181 subscribers

Hi everyone I’m new here and was yesterday diagnosed with cancer in the middle colon. During an ultrasound before the colonoscopy they found something on the liver which they considered non suspicious ( but now in light of the diagnosis they are going to do CT scan). Also possible enlarged lymph nodes near the abdominal aorta? I’m so anxious that I cannot eat or sleep as I am just fearing the worst. Thank you for your support 

  • Hi  and a warm welcome to the board. It’s quite common for something to flag up in the liver and it can be a harmless cyst called a hemangiona which apparently a lot of people have but go through life being none the wiser unless they have this sort of scan. Even if it does turn out to be something suspicious then there is still lots of treatment available. 
    I had 3 out of 17 lymph nodes affected which were removed during surgery although I don’t know whereabouts they were, only that they were close to the tumour. I had chemo afterwards as the belt and braces and I’ve been ‘no evidence of disease’ since 2016.

    I know it’s easy to say try not to worry but it won’t change anything and if you re-read your post you say that they consider the liver as ‘non suspicious’ and the lymph nodes as ‘possibly enlarged’ - these are possibilities not facts. 

    I know it’s hard but once you know exactly what you’re dealing with and have a treatment plan in place then things will honestly feel a bit better. The support desk is available every day from 8-8 if having a chat to someone would help?

    Take care

    Karen x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • Thank you so much Kareno62 - I really appreciate your support and reply which has offered me some reassurance. It sounds like you went through a tough time and I’m so pleased to hear it all went well xx

  • Hi   the early days are a shocking whirlwind.  I was diagnosed end of December, just had operation, waiting to see what lymph nodes analysis brings. You will honestly feel so much better with a plan. Hang on in and don't Google! 

    I had a lesion on liver that needed further scans but it was benign. This happens a lot, but even if it was something my consultant talked about all the different ways they treat the liver.

    Things will move quickly, sending a hug xx

  • Hi thank you so much for your reply. You are right about it being a whirlwind- lots of tears and I just can’t sleep or eat at all which I know isn’t good for me. Such a massive shock - I’m only 46 wasn’t expecting it. I hope your operation went well and was successful. That’s reassuring about the liver. I’m overseas at the moment but headed back to the UK this week hopefully to get treatment plan etc in place which is when I might start to feel better about things. I am guilty of googling and my anxiety is sky high. Sending a hug back - I really appreciate your support x

  • I totally get it, am 53 and this came like a bolt out the blue. I too Googled myself into a state of despair. Honestly you will feel better. Meeting my consultant was huge for me. You just realise this is well worn territory for them, they are experts and know how to tackle this. It takes away some of the fear.

    My operation went well thanks, just recovering now.

    Safe trip home xx