Post op (robotic high anterior resection) and now trying to decide chemo or no chemo.

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  • 181 subscribers

I underwent a robotic high anterior resection on Jan 6th.  Everything went very well and recovery is going well.  A few niggly aches and discomfort but nothing dramatic so far.  

Went to see the oncologist last Wednesday and she suggested chemo. After a blizzard of scary info I came away to think and do some research.

My next appointment is next week and I'm compiling a list of questions.

Diagnosis: Sigmoid carcinoma.

Stage pT3 N1 cM0, no lymphovascular invasion, 0/16 lymph nodes involved, but 1 extramural deposit R0.

Anyone else with similar ? If so did you go chemo/no chemo?

Thank you in advance. 

  • Hi  and good to hear that you’re recovering well. Has there been any mention of what chemo you’ll be having? Capox/ xelox is often used for lymph node involvement but capecitabine in tablet form is often used for extramural invasion which is more tolerable than the Capox. 
    You could ask what % difference the chemo would make? Personally I accepted everything they offered me but it’s your decision. Chemo is the belt and braces and you can always give it a try and then discontinue if you don’t feel you are tolerating it that well

    Take care

    Karen x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • Hi Karen. XELOX .. intravenous Oxaliplatin and oral Capecitabine for 3 months is what has been suggested. 

  •   ok. Yes that can be tough but it’s also doable. Unfortunately everyone can have a different experience but personally I found it to be ok and worked at my part-time office job throughout. 
    You usually have your iv on day 1 then 13 days tablets then a week off. 
    There can be a lot of side effects but there’s also a lot of pills and lotions to counteract them and also options like a dosage reduction if you’re struggling. I’ve attached a link to a post that we started about chemo and some top tips which might be helpful?

    Happy to answer any questions

    Karen x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • Hi, Scrumpyboy I’ve had a similar op Oct 2023,  (Stage 3B)

    11 lymph nodes taken 3 showed cancer, 8 clear. When it came to the chemotherapy talk my oncologist described it as ‘belt and braces approach’ which helped me to decide to go ahead with it. I started 6 rounds of Caepacibine in Dec 2023, two weeks on tablets and one off. I had minimal side effects thank goodness and they took me off after the 4th round as there was NED. I’ve been for two CT scans since and have bloods checked regularly (always full of anxiety around these time) thankfully still ‘cancer free’ I’m on the stoma reversal list (just over a year now) 

    Good luck making your decision, it’s whatever you are happy with. If I’ve learned anything throughout this it’s keeping your headspace healthy and doing what’s good for you. A day at a time…. 


  • Update

     Saw a lovely lady oncologist today. She confirmed that the surgeons had done a fantastic job and removed all the cancer. There is still a small chance that there might be a rogue cell bimbling round my body somewhere because there was one extramural deposit not far from the main tumor. Seems they got me just in time. 

    They offered 'just in case' chemo but I'm going to turn down their kind offer and take my chances and keep my immune system as tuned as possible. 

  • Congratulations you’ve made the right decision for you. Keep well my friend up and onwards.