Has anyone found it hard to think of questions

  • 6 replies
  • 178 subscribers

I have to ask if this is just a me thing? I keep getting asked at appointment have you any more questions but I draw a blank most the time! 

I've had lots of operation in the past including last year and ovariectomy that no small op in its self, all have been emergency one's honestly I feel overwhelmed with how much they tell you to expect. I've been used to being kicked out quickly from hospital and struggling at home and really learning as I've gone along in the right and wrong way to look after myself. 

I do suffer with mental health and honesty I've acted quite odd not a panic attack or a break down of tears it's like I've switched off some how . I've still been going to work dispute the pain I'm in. Not really sure if this is healthy. Operation is on Sunday so won't be long I hope in finding out more about the Cancer and wether I have Chrons Disease too.

Thanks for any advice in advance.

  • Hi, I always go blank when they ask me if I have any questions. I usually say, yes, I have a million different questions, but I can't think of anything right now. The meetings usually include a whole bunch of overwhelming information though that takes a while to process. So I think maybe not being able to think of questions might be normal. 

    I write questions done now while I'm at home, any time anything pops into my head ready for the next appointment. Sometimes that helps. I'm currently recovering at home after an operation myself. And I've found it one of the most difficult times. You're definitely not alone in your thoughts and feelings 

  • Thank you for the reply lovely. I've gone in with list but they cover them all Joy I'm pleased you said about the process time it definitely takes me time!

    I hope the recovery has a quick turn around for you! Trying to balance listening to your body and pushing yourself to get right, I think is the hardest battle. But you get there quicker than you think.

    Honestly if something feels off chat about it there's normally a logical reason for it! 

    I wish you a speedy recovery Heart exclamation

  • Hi  

    Memory csn be a challenge for many of us for so various reasons.

    I find capturing bullet point thoughts or spider diargrams of queries helpful. They help me record any anytime, then i add, delete or annotate entries as needed.

    Spider diagrams are best for meetings as they can cover wide range of topics and jump around lot.

  • I'd not thought of that thank you huni

  • I am a bit the same but find it pretty overwhelming in the appointment.  I too held it together but did get v tearful after the operation in hospital.  Seemed to hit me and was too much. Home today and not sure how recovery will be.

    Don't be hard on yourself, this is tough! Good luck for Sunday xxx

  • I was exactly the same after my operation. Heart️.