Just diagnosed. Waiting MDT

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  • 182 subscribers

I had colonoscopy last monday after positive screening - no symptoms - and they found a sigmoid tumour. Biopsies taken & had CT scan today. It all seems surreal and I can't quite believe it. Just waiting to see what the MDT team decide and where that leaves me. 

  • Hey there.  I hope you’re ok?   It’s a pretty scary diagnosis isn’t it? 

    Just to send you some positive vibes.  I had the same in November.  They removed the cancer in December and I was lucky that I had no spread and it was not in my lymph nodes so I do not need any further treatment and I went back to work on Friday.  

    So in my experience this cancer is treatable and lots of us have good outcomes.  Your head will probably go to the worse case.  As soon as you hear from your hospital the MDT will have a plan in place for you and you will be in safe hands.  

    You will get amazing support here as we all know how you are feeling and everyone here will somehow helps you through this awful time. 

    Big tip don’t Google.  We’ve all done it……… Dr Google does not have a clue because he / she does has not seen your CT scans and colonoscopy and biopsy results.  Only the real doctors will have the answers that you need.  


  • Thank you for your support - really helps and glad things went well for you.

  • I am in the same situation as you, had colonoscopy on the 16th taken to a room and told cancer, CT and MRI followed on the 18/19th and still waiting for a call. Been the longest 12 days so far. But have had some lovely supportive comments on here. I hope you have a plan soon xx

  • Its so hard isn't it. Im lucky that I have my lovely husband but keep wondering about telling friends and family - decided not to just yet. Sending you lots of love and best wishes too.xx

  • Hi  and   and a warm welcome to the board. You’ve had some great advice from Scoutabout and things will honestly feel a bit better once you have a treatment plan in place. I was told at my first meeting with my consultant that they were ‘treating me with a view to cure’ so I was able to share that with family and friends so you might want to wait until after that first meeting when you’ll know a bit more about treatment etc.?

    The next few months will be tough but please keep posting and we’ll help and support you both through this 

    Take care

    Karen x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • It's such a terrifying time and yes, surreal. A complete paradigm shift from your old reality. The waiting and not knowing makes it worse. Do your best to stay busy and focus on other things. You'll never be 100% successful but the less you let this run wild in your mind, the easier it will be. 

    Once you get a treatment plan, you will be able to plan and focus on each step of the process.  

  • Definitely surreal.

    Very early days for you.

    You can read my journey on my profile. I’m about 2 months ahead on the timeline.

    For me, the first 3 weeks were frustratingly long & filled with uncertainty. 

    With a provisional diagnosis and management plan in place, things got better because I knew what to expect. Followed by numerous appointments and pre-op checks. 

    My tumour was picked up through screening too. I was in shock. 3 months down the line, I think I am still in shock - still processing everything. My body is slowly recovering from surgery, but my brain is still trying to make sense of it all. 

    Thankfully the treatments are very effective nowadays. Hopefully you have caught yours at an early stage x best of luck with everything.

    one solid piece of advice- don’t Google. Slight smile

  • Hi, it is just a massive shock. I was diagnosed with anaemia as the sole symptom, this was mid December, just had operation.  Things happen fast and you will feel much better with a plan. The consultants are experts, they know what they are doing, this is a well worn path for them and treatments are amazing. 

    For us, well it is terrifying. We are human and before we have all the facts we fill in the gaps not often in a helpful way.

    Don't feel compelled to tell people, I did and it became a bit stressful managing that when my own emotions were all over. Do what is best for you. 


  • Thanks for the advice. I think you're right and I'll keep quiet until I really have to say. Saw the consultant today and she was brilliant. Explained everything - seems as if the tumour is just in the lower bowel - I'd prepared myself for it having spread -  surgery is a must but debatable if its before or after chemo.  Next step is seeing the oncologist. I do feel better for starting a plan.

  • I am so pleased for you! The waiting is the worst. You are doing brilliantly and it sounds like your consultant is great too. Hopefully you will sleep a bit easier now you know more details and have a plan xx