Right Hand Side Colon Cancer

  • 13 replies
  • 181 subscribers

I never thought that I would be writing in a forum like this 

I have had all the tests. MRI twice CT scans and colonoscopy. 

as soon as the colonoscopy was carried out at the end they told me I had cancer. Don’t know why but they took me to recovery and all I wanted was a drink. 

eventually they took me to a room and brought my partner in. All I was interested in was having a cup of tea and them nice biscuits. I don’t really remember what the lady went through. Thank goodness my partner was with me. 

anyway to cut the story short. I read the form later that evening. Then the shock set in. I have cancer. I am frightened to death of what they are going to do. As it’s on the right side I don’t have to have that horrible drink again to clear me out. 

I have my operation on the 18th February the day I arrive at the hospital at 7:30am. I have a bag full of prep stuff to take few days before and up to surgery day. Even have to inject myself the night before.

i suffer really bad with mental health and anxiety. I’m having some really bad days where i just sit and stare at the walls. Don’t feel like doing anything. 

concerns are the bit if tube they remove I’m freaked out by the thought of it leaking as the rejoin the bowel. 

just wanted to say high to all of you people and good luck with everything. I’m 62 years of age with very bad arthritis in my knee which makes walking very difficult. Had two heart attacks oblation heat work done and stents. 

I’m scared to say the least. Being put to sleep worries me. Then waking up to what I don’t know. 

bless you all x

  • Hi just want to wish you well .I totally understand yours fears I'm exactly the same. But mines bladder cancer .I'm 63 years old and I worry if I'm strong enough to cope with major surgery .always hear for chat Chris xx

  • Hi, I totally understand where you are coming from and have done so much staring into space, it's a massive shock. My tumour is also right side and I have operation tomorrow.  Taking it as a small win that dreaded bowel prep not needed! I get v anxious and keep fretting about leaking joins, but if the worst happens then we will be in the right place.

    Lots of positive treatment and operation stories on here that I have found a huge help. Best wishes to you xx

  • Bless you so much and hope all goes well tomorrow. Keep in touch. Thank you for your message and i will be thinking about you. Do you have to arrive at the hospital at 7:30 am for the operation.  I have a 50 mile trip to York Hospital and operation done that day. Wishing you a great recovery xx

  • Hi I will keep in touch! That's a long trip for you. Am in Huddersfield hospital, due in at 7am. But it's not far from me, 40 mins or so. Not sure I will sleep much! Thanks for the good wishes xxx

  • Hi - I had a tumour in my ascending colon (right side) - diagnosed in Nov 2024. More details on my profile.

    Sorry to hear about your diagnosis.

    i can empathise with the shock of it all. All the appointments and investigations can get a bit overwhelming.

    i had my op in early Dec 2024 - part of my ileum (small bowel),  right colon, caecum and appendix all removed along with 25 lymph nodes. Both bowel free ends stitched together and touch-wood, no major issues. All is healing as it should. 

    I was advised by the Surgeon that depending on what he saw in the day of the op, he may need to create a reversible stoma, so mentally, I prepared for it. I didn’t need a stoma. 

    I asked a lot of questions about my op beforehand.

    Leakage is a risk but it is picked up very early post-op and treated very quickly. I wouldn’t worry about that as it’s a rare side effect. Surgical techniques nowadays create tight seals and the key is not to overdo things post op. 

    I found that this platform was a good source of support.

    i do suffer from anxiety, so i arranged counselling which has helped.

    Pre-op I booked a few massage and reflexology sessions which really helped calm my spirits. 

    Best of luck on your journey ahead x within this space, you are in good, supportive company 

  • Thanks very much for your support. 

  • Good morning I hope !

    how are you feeling ? How did it go.? How is the pain ?

    hope all is well. At least the operation is over. 

    let me know how you continue to recover. I believe they keep you in icu for a while ? 

    Bless you you chin up 

  • Hello! It's going OK! Op went well and I avoided ICU and went to ward.  Managed to eat and am not in pain really. Had paracetamol so far. Managed a little walk today around ward. No bowel action yet ..... bit nervous about that! Feeling v trapped windy! 

    So hope that's reassuring!

    How are you doing? Xxx

  • Awe bless you. I’m so pleased. You have done so well. 

    how long was operation ? Any drains or anything. ? 

    Just a paracetamol you are doing well. I worry about going to toilet. What have you eaten. I would be scared to eat because of going to the toilet. 

    keep in touch and let me know how your getting on. Kev 

  • So glad you are doing so well. A little delay in bowel action is very normal, your bowel is a bit shocked