Scans next week - hoping for the best

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  • 180 subscribers

Hi, I had a FIT test last week and it came back with a result of 27 so I have been referred to our local NHS hospital trust I've been really impressed by how quickly I have a CT scan and colonoscopy scheduled (both are next week). 

Naturally a bit worried but keeping calm and hoping it's nothing serious.

I am 63 and retiring in a few months so had plans but now we have to wait a bit.

It's my third rodeo in a way as I have previously had urgent investigations into my prostate and bladder which turned out to be BPH and a UTI so I know what to expect in some ways.

I have a wonderfully supportive wife keeping my spirits up.


  • Hi  and a warm welcome to the board. You sound to have a good grip on things at the moment. Only 1 in 10 colonoscopies results in a bowel cancer diagnosis and there are several things that can cause blood in the stool like polyps, colitis, diverticulitis, ibs for example. 

    Hope both tests go well and please keep us posted?

    Take care

    Karen x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • Thanks for the warm welcome - and I will keep you updated.

  • My colonoscopy was all clear which is a huge relief. 

    It will be a longer wait for scan results but I feel I have cleared one hurdle.

    My abdominal discomfort could well be related to a  muscular issue and I was actually already having physical therapy for it before the FIT test as my muscles groin/psoas/glutes are very tight.

    Anyway, lets see what the scan reveals, if anything.

  • Hi tjt1961, I was just reading your story there. So glad you’ve had a good outcome. Reading your story has put my mind at ease a huge bit after recently having a positive fit test of 26. I’ve been having the odd bouts of tummy issues for a while but ct scan showed nothing. I’ve been referred for a colonoscopy in the next 3 weeks so hoping my outcome is as positive as yours. I’m a 27 year old with a young son so my heart is roasted with the worry. Wishing you continued good health for the future! 

  • Thanks, Mamabear1 - good luck to you also. 

  • Good luck with it all. Keep us updated. X

  • My CT scans found some diverticulosis (pouches in my bowel, but not infected) but nothing major - I otherwise have an "unremarkable colon" and no further action required but I am going to look into my diet.

    The scan was on Tuesday and the results appeared in the NHS app today so just 6 days! 

  • That’s great news  x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm