Suggestions for feeling grounded and present?

  • 2 replies
  • 178 subscribers

Hi everyone! 

I have Familial adenomatous polyposis, and up to this point screenings have been relatively ok. Late last year I had a procedure to remove some polyps from my stomach with high-grade dysplasia, and while the possibility of cancer is something I've been aware of since age 12, it's hitting particularly hard now. 

I feel incredibly lucky to be 33 and not have had any major surgery yet, and am super grateful for the position I'm in, as I know it could be a lot worse. 

But the emotional lows, and struggle to just focus on what I do have control of, and to let go of what I do not, is difficult. 

I think it's usually with the mundane things, like just focusing on work, seeing friends, making dinners, I find myself drifting off into a state of fear, when the thing I'm afraid of isn't even here yet (or even, might not arrive). 

I then go into a state of feeling guilty for worrying, when I know there are many who have it much worse than me. 

Anyone who can relate, or offer any words of guidance on anything they find grounding, and helpful to stay present in every day life would be really appreciated! 

Sending so many virtual hugs to anyone out there who is struggling, you're so not alone Heart

  • Hi Mossy forest

    I was talking to my Bupa/Macmillan councillor yesterday about this as I have a similar problem and she sent me this.

    Anything worth a shot of it helps.

    All thehe best Mossy.

  • Hi mossyforest, I must admit mine diagnosis came out of the blue, from a bowel screen in the post. Everything was done so quickly, you're just in a state of panic. I did get antidepressants and diazepam, after a brutal panic attack out walking the dog. I barely made it home but had to as I'd forgotten my phone Rolling eyes They have just given me a bit of extra headspace, to calm everything down and think more clearly.

    So does your diagnosis mean you have Lynch syndrome? I was tested for that, as I have family members who've had bowel cancer. I don't have it thank goodness. Wouldn't want to put my kids through this.