Cancer sucks!!!

  • 18 replies
  • 179 subscribers

Hi everyone! 

I’ve joined this forum because my mum has been diagnosed with colon cancer which has spread to her liver! Still trying to wrap my head around that bit………. She was due to start chemo today, however she hasn’t been able to eat without pain for nearly 2 weeks. Her cancer nurse told her last Thursday that they want to postpone the chemo that was due to start today, and give her a ileostomy instead (sorry if that’s spelt wrong) to build up her strength ready to start the chemo. Mum was told last week that if she had pain, nausea etc she must go in to the surgical assessment unit!! 

So sure enough, Friday morning, mum had pain. Dad took her to the hospital where she was kept on the ward until Saturday night, when they did the ileostomy. She’s recovering well, but obviously pain etc! She’s dreading having to change the bag (which she hasn’t been able to do herself yet). I’m sorry for babbling on, but if I feel as emotional and scared as I do, I can’t imagine how mum must be feeling! 

  • Hi Susan, I’m also already a member of that group Hearts️ I had a mooch through the site last night and joined all the groups I thought would be beneficial Hearts️  I was a carer for 10 years so I already know how to change it, clean it, re attach etc! I find some comfort in that I already know about stoma’s and everything that goes with it. But at the same time, I hate it. Because I know how challenging (emotionally) more than anything that this will be for my mum. It breaks my heart. 

    Sadly, this will be her new ‘normal’ forever Disappointed but we make the most of a ‘shit’ situation right?! Xx

  • Hi!

    Mum is very close to being able to change it….. she really struggles with the smell, but I’ve told her about sprays and oils etc she can use to help. The nurses let her drain it today and she was so proud of herself made my heart melt! X

  • I'm so happy for you!! That's wonderful news, and great to have a walk! 

    Mum says she's picking up a bit now and the Dr's say she's turned a corner. I think we're a way off walks but good news here too

  • That's so interesting that people chose to keep theirs! It does seem convenient when you think about it! Haha 

  • I'm not suggesting keeping the ostomy as a goal but it speaks loads about how easy it becomes to have one. Best example I could think of to describe how well people adjust. 

  •   Sounds like she’s heading in the right direction and the smell does lessen after a couple of weeks although some foods can affect it eg fish and chips! x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • N’awww I’m happy your mums picked up abit. Slow and steady wins the race HeartsHearts️ 

  • That’s what I keep telling her. She just doesn’t have a strong stomach for things like this See no evil not ideal. Bless her xx