I only had a gurgling sound in my belly! I'm so shocked I'm here

  • 4 replies
  • 178 subscribers

Hi all

I'm new here, I have avoided coming onto the forums for a while as everything has just been too overwhelming.

17th October - Found out I have bowel cancer in three areas of my bowel and some on the surface of my liver  following a CT Scan. I have had absolutely NO symptoms other than thinking I had a food intolerance as I had a very loud growling sound coming from my belly, that's all!!. I'm 51 and fit and healthy (apart from this!) I'm still in total shock and keep wondering if they've got it wrong, wishful thinking. 

I start chemo tomorrow, 3 months of FOLFOX I believe, I'm so scared of all of the side effects and thought maybe it would be a good time to join this forum for some moral support. I have a fantastic partner and amazing support all around me, but when you're going through this it can feel really isolating and at times a really lonely place.

So this is to say hi! 


  • Hi  and a warm welcome to the board. Yes it does come as a shock especially when you feel ‘well’ and know that the treatment, although necessary, is going to make you feel a bit crappy?

    Ive not had folfox but I’ve attached a link to the page on here about it


    I have had the oxaliplatin though and there’s a link below to a top tips post that we started


    Having said that please approach it with an open mind? There are a lot of side effects but you’d be very unlucky to get every single one. You’ll be given various pills and potions to help with the side effects and if you’re struggling, then sometimes a change or dose reduction can make a huge difference?

    Its good to hear that you’ve got lots of support but I’m glad you’ve joined the board as it can be good to talk to people who’ve been in the same boat and ‘get it.’

    Take care

    Karen x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • Thanks so much Karen

    I am going in as open minded as possible, fear is such a strong emotion!

    You've hit the nail on the head, I feel so well, but the treatment is necessary and maybe I need to be thankful it's been found now and not further down the line

    I'm hoping this will be a really good place to start to surround me with positivity and hope, I've been scared to join the forums because of negatives and reading things that might scare me more, glad to have found you all :) x 

  • I'm sorry you are going through this! It is indeed a terrifying thing to face. But you sound like you are handling it as well as could be expected. 

    One thing I've learned from having cancer is a shared burden is easier to bear. Ask anything, rant, complain whatever you need to do. We've been there and we get it. 

    There's plenty of positive stories here. Personally, I was diagnosed in Aug/Sep of 2023. After radiation and chemo, I had surgery in Aug 2924 and am considered cancer free. I'm now on surveillance.  It was a long journey but I came put the other side stronger than ever. You can do this. 

  • Thank you Susan! This is such positive news!! x