Apologies if TMI don’t know where else to ask

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  • 179 subscribers

I am trying desperately to stay calm before my colonoscopy on Friday. I started the low residue diet on Sunday and as you’d expect in a situation like this I’ve been watching what’s been going on down there like a hawk.

Today I’ve found it harder to go which I never have a problem with and passing a lot of mucus with the stool (harder stool not diarrhoea). I’m panicking that this is yet another cancer sign.

so far I had small amounts of bright red blood, I have a history of piles in pregnancy (and too up running earlier this year), I had a gastrointestinal bug in may and that’s when the bloody mucus first appeared but went. It’s reappeared after I ran a 10k for the first time ever.

im just so scared and this isn’t the sort of thing that you can ask anyone else about! Did anyone else notice this clear mucus increase on this low residue diet?

I know I don’t have long to wait now but it seems like an eternity and I don’t want to google as that isn’t reassuring.

  • Don’t Google it.  What I’ve found is you’ll find and be drawn to sites that align to your fears.  In my opinion don’t even look flush and go.  Drink more water!  Whatever you are seeing you know an expert will see in good detail on Friday.  Easy to say I know but I was feeling exactly the same last week and from experience no amount of worrying changes anything but I know exactly how you feel.  Do stuff for the next few days that you enjoy. 

    Sending you positive thoughts.  I’ve got everything crossed for you  Xxx

  • Hi  Your bowel produces mucus to ease the evacuation of the stool but you’re probably not normally aware of it. Because of your recent issues you're studying the contents of the toilet bowl more closely then wondering if it normally looks like that or not? Stressing about the colonoscopy will also be affecting your stomach and bowels. 
    I know it’s hard but focus on following the diet and prep to get a nice clean bowel for Friday - great advice from Scoutabout to ‘flush and go’

    Take care

    Karen x

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