Cancer Symptoms and Anxiety

  • 5 replies
  • 179 subscribers

Dear MacMillan Community,

I hope this isn’t disrespectful as I am yet to have a diagnosis but just wanting to express my worries and hopefully have input from anyone who has / had similar experiences. I’m 25 year’s old, quite fit and active and generally good health. Back in 2021, I had lower right abdomen pain ( around the waistline ), alongside bloating, feeling sick, loss of appetite and pretty inconsistent bowel movements. Had a stool sample taken - Calprotectin result was high 400’s. Was placed on the pathway, had a colonoscopy and duendoscopy, they found nothing barring inflammation.  

Start of this October, same pain, same place started up again. However, since last Sunday (20th) the pain has been a constant burning / uncomfortable feeling. I’ve lost weight (around 3.5kg since 29/09 - track through the gym). My stools fit the category of ‘ribbon shaped / thin’ and for the past few days I have been absolutely shot of energy. I guess the questions I am replaying over in my head are as followed:

Can something have been missed? If not, can colon / bower cancer symptoms progress so quickly? Start of October it was manageable but now it’s constantly on my mind and sending my anxiety through the roof. 

I had the doctor feel around my stomach yesterday, after a 111 call they advised I went to A&E to rule out appendicitis / gallbladder which it wasn’t. So now I’m waiting for my appointment at the end of November - just feel like that’s such a long time to wait + the pain / symptoms are only getting worse.

Thank you to anyone who took the time to read this, Joe. 

  • Hi  and a warm welcome to the board. No you’re not being disrespectful at all and please don’t feel bad about posting. 

    There are a lot of things that can cause similar symptoms to bowel cancer like diverticulitis, colitis, ibs, crohns etc. and bowel cancer is generally slow growing but as it is 3 years since you’ve last been seen then I think another colonoscopy would be a good idea?

    Has the appointment for the end of November been arranged by the hospital? I only ask as GP’s have a target that if the patient meets 2 or more conditions tor bowel cancer (in your case a change in bowel habit and weight loss) then the gold standard treatment is to be seen within 2 weeks? If it is the hospital that has booked your appointment for the end of November then it might be worth seeing your GP to see if a colonoscopy can be arranged any sooner?

    I’m not inferring that i think you have bowel cancer but you do need to get checked out? I’ve attached a link to a bowel cancer symptoms diary which may help before you see your GP or consultant.

    Please let us know how you get on?

    Take care

    Karen x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • Thank you for your response Karen. The hospital took a urine sample / felt around my stomach and deemed it not as an emergency. I already had the GP appointment booked based on my symptoms prior to this past week. Just with how my symptoms have progressed this past week, have me quite worried. With how I’m feeling currently, I want to get checked out but feel like I’ll be turned away by the hospital again.

  • I do feel for you I wish I could help but I can’t see why you need to wait so long , 

  • Hi  I think your best bet is to ask your GP to refer you for a colonoscopy. This will enable them to check if there are any issues and probably get you further forward than going to A and E again?

    Take care

    Karen x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • Hi Joe,

    I'm sorry you are going through this. Waiting is very difficult and even harder when your symptoms are getting worse. 

    The fact that you are getting worse so quickly does tend to argue against cancer... hopefully that eases your mind a little. 

    That said, I agree with the others, you need a colonoscopy. My cancer was a very rare, fast growing variety so it happens. I'm not sure of the guidelines there but I'd encourage you to be insistent that they do a colonoscopy and on an expedited schedule.  The colonoscopy may help diagnose the problem regardless of what it is. And the peace of mind would be invaluable.