Recent colonoscopy, CT scan, liver lesion

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  • 180 subscribers


im new here. I recently had a CT, gastroscopy and colonoscopy following low Ferritin levels and a high FIT level (200). The colonoscopy found a few small polyps which were removed, but also a bigger one 25mm which is due to be discussed at a complex polyp MDT before being removed. Waiting for biopsies but the person carrying out the scope felt that no cancer was seen but felt if left the bigger one would almost certainly become cancerous. 
I went to see the GP a few days after with pain upper right abdomen. He brought up my CT results and told me that I have a 4.5 x 2.2cm lesion in my liver. I feel back to square one with worry. I’m 8 days post colonoscopy and still in pain and getting tired easily. 

Any others with similar experiences please?

  • Hi  I had the same finding in my liver but an MRI subsequently showed it to be a haemangioma. These are harmless cysts in the liver that apparently a lot of people have and are none the wiser unless they have a scan. It never changed throughout my treatment and is presumably  still there now! 

    The people carrying out the colonoscopies usually have a pretty good idea of what they’re seeing - they told me they were 99% sure that my tumour was cancerous - but it sounds like a good idea to have the larger polyp removed. 

    Hope this helps and take care

    Karen x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • Thank you for responding. yes this is helpful. I feel discomfort under my ribs, especially in the right side and felt this to some degree before the colonoscopy but it seems worse since. 

  • how did your polyp removal go? I have a similar symptom some discomfort under the ribs. I went for a colonoscopy and they removed a 25mm polyp in a difficult area and sent it to the lab for testing. feeling anxious. 

  • Hi sk_0606,

    it’s so difficult waiting isn’t it? The polyps I’ve had removed so far were really small, flat ones. The one that I’m still waiting to have removed is 25mm. It needed to be discussed at a complex polyp meeting so waiting for a plan for when that will be. I felt pain/discomfort from about 10 days after the last one which I don’t think is usual. 

    I hope you’re not waiting too long for your results.

  • Yes, waiting is really painful. It's been 10 days since they removed it, and I have to wait 10 more days to see the doctor. 

  • Hi   do you mind me asking how the MDT went and if the 25mm polyp was removed? 

  • Hi. I had the polyp removed 2 days ago via colonoscopy with EMR. It’s been sent off for testing but it states benign on the report. I also had a repeat liver MRI the week before and the doctor had a quick look at the report and just said it doesn’t look worrying. 
    I’m sorry if you are going through a tough time at the moment. 

  • That’s good news. Yes I’ve recently had my first ever colonoscopy after bleeding and fit test results being >400,  they found 6 polyps, 3 of them being complex due to location, size and as they are flat, the other 3 were removed. I’ve been referred to the complex polyp MDT so was just intrigued when I came across your post. It reassures me that your outcome has been positive although a very worrying time. 

  • Have they given you any indication of their thoughts based on what they look like? I think the complex polyp MDT can be more about the complexity of how to remove them. Good luck, it’s awful waiting x

  • I got my results. And luckily it turned out to be non malignant hyperplastic polyp. Hope your diagnosis goes good