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  • 176 subscribers

I posted on here three weeks ago because I had had a change in bowel movements and also a positive fit test. I was very despondent and convinced it was cancer. My colonoscopy was ten days ago and I was diagnosed with diverticulitis. The doctor also removed six polyps, one of which was 25mm and precancerous. Thankfully, the biopsies which were taken have all been confirmed as being cancer free. I hope this will give some reassurance to those on here who are worried about their symptoms.

Whilst I am very relieved, I am also very aware that there are many more on here are bravely fighting an ongoing battle against this horrible condition. My thoughts are with you all. I’ll hang around a bit longer if that’s ok. 

  • Good to hear you now have the all clear. And as  you say encouraging to those who are still waiting for diagnosis or result - the great majority with a positive FIT test and asked to have a colonoscopy turn out not to have cancer.

    In my case I did have a cancerous tumour but hopefully I'm through that now post-surgery as my CT scan and lymph node biopsy were clear. And I just got my first (taken 10 week after surgery) CES blood test result, which was 1.5 and in the normal range.

  • I am so pleased to hear thinking of you Pray tone2