Just diagnosed

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  • 179 subscribers

Hi, new here. I’ve had a torrid week and after 2 scopes and biopsies this week the surgeon has rung me tonight to say it is cancer. I’m 55 with no family history. It’s all a shock. I’m angry, terrified and tearful in turn. MDT is Monday and he said he would ring me after the meeting with a plan but he’s mentioned downstaging with radiotherapy and then surgery. It’s all overwhelming

  • Oh bless you, I've been there too this year & it's wretched. BUT, my 'story' while grim at the time, may give you some insight into very similar situation and that I am currently,  after chemo,  cancer free! I'm new to this group too & think I've now added my blurb to my 'profile', so should be there. Also added strange picture of my back view when got a wig, though, again, with most BC chemo we luckily don't loose it all, just thins out, so didn't need it anyway! All your current emotions are valid and totally appropriate. It's awful, the club we never expected to be part of, but we're here & hope you keep in touch. I'm no expert but we learn from our experiences of this, so happy to help if can. Brethe and be kind to yourself now, take good care xx

  • Thanks.  It’s been an awful week. I just hope it’s been caught early although they are already talking about my lymph nodes not looking right from my MRI…..the sooner I can start treatment the better now I know that it’s there and needs dealing with 

  • Hi  Yes it is overwhelming but once you have a plan in place then things will honestly feel a bit better. I presume it’s a rectal tumour? This is often treated with chemoradiotherapy to shrink it as much as possible before surgery and if you click on my name then you’ll see that I had similar treatment in 2016/17 and I’m still ‘no evidence of disease’. 

    Ive attached a link to a booklet that I was given at my first meeting which may help with terminology, what to ask etc.


    The next few months will be tough but we’ll be happy to help and support you through it

    Take care

    Karen x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • Thank you Karen, it is a rectal tumour. I’m hoping I will feel more settled after the meeting tomorrow and have a plan in place. The waiting is terrible….

  • The meeting yesterday didn’t  go quite to plan. I was expecting short course radiotherapy and then surgery but the decision has been for long course chemo radiotherapy. I think this is due to the histology from the second lot of biopsies and possible lymph node involvement. I was given lots of leaflets but can’t face reading them yet. The surgeon remains upbeat. The oncologist looked about 12! I’m showing my age now (55)

  • So very stressful,  it's a horrible feeling waiting for that decision to be made for your fate. And totally agree,  everyone treating me have been like 'baby doctors', at my ripe age (52). Though not what you'd anticipated, all you can do is trust the process and the treatment now as tough as you know it will be at times. I had lymph node involvement so needed the chemotherapy after surgery in my case but it worked and currently I am cancer free, so am proof ,as many other's that this can work,  as daunting as I know it is. Take some faith from your surgeons optimism, don't overdo the leaflets until you feel ready ( but may explain more), and , like me, just be greatful it has been discovered before it did more damage? Thinking of you,  keep in touch when you can xx

  • Thanks Bamo. I’m fed up that the oncologist has said that it might take 5 weeks before treatment starts…..just want to get on with it now.

    Im trying to think of the wait as an opportunity to do some things I enjoy before treatment starts and I won’t be able to either because I feel ill or just the logistics of having to attend daily radiotherapy 

  • Hi

    I've recently been diagnosed to, I'm 42. Hardly any symptoms but discovered blockage in colon ct scan. Colonoscapy 17th Sept, results 23rd Sept, in for surgery 1 October ( extended righ hemicolectomy) as the narrowing was more dangerous.

    I also have 2 small patches on my liver which they are hopeful to remove after chemo. I've just had my PET scan so will be going to MDT Monday and hopefully then a date for whatever is next.

    I have cried and cried and cried some more for my children but praying this op was successful and the following treatment will be the same

    Just completely changed everything 

  • I feel for you Ljr1507 such a lot to take in and you’ve been to surgery so quickly which is great but doesn’t give you time to adjust. I’m 2 weeks from diagnosis now and do feel calmer and more able think clearly about what comes next even if that still causes panicky feelings.

    I had no symptoms until I had Covid in July, the finding of the cancer was a shock to everyone

    sending love  

  • It's so natural to just want to get on with the treatment as daunting as it is. I had to wait 1.5 months to start chemo as had to recover from the hemicolectomy & it was tough waiting. Definitely do some things that bring you some pleasure in these weeks, be kind to yourself,  as you may not feel up to too much when treatment begins, but we all have different types/ strengths, so there's no predicting it really and you may be pleasantly surprised. Thinking of you,  keep in touch x