CT scan & MRI referral after colonoscopy

  • 2 replies
  • 177 subscribers

New to the group and new to possibly diagnosed bower cancer.glad to be part of this journey with you guys.

I had colonoscopy done 2 years ago with precancerous polyps removed ,as I understood it takes long time to turn adenoma polyps into cancerous however just under 2 years after removal, abnormalities were present in my rectum on my recent colonoscopy ,within 24 hours I have been referred for CT scan and MRI.

Furthermore I had haemorrhoids  which were removed internally in 2018 and now with new findings in my colon area , I m very anxious and petrified about the tests and possible outcome.

I m finding it hard to cope mentally as my 9 year’s son is going through cancer (leukaemia) treatment  since early 2023.

i m confused as well as  distrust whether its haemorrhoids or the rectal polyps or both bothering me.

thank you 

  • Hi dcops,

    Firstly, let me say, even as a cancer sufferer, I cannot imagine what cancer in childhood is like. I hope your son is doing as well as possible.

    With regard to your CT & MRI scans think of these as diagnostic tools, which combined with the colonoscopy, will allow the medics to paint you the fullest possible picture. I know it is very hard to do and very easy to say but only think about that picture once it has been painted and presented to you.

    Hoping with all my heart you get the best possible news.


  • Just want to reach out and say that a lot of pressure on anyone  . Much love to you and your son .


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