Really scared of my symptoms

  • 11 replies
  • 176 subscribers

Hello, I just need some advice because I'm really worried. 

I've had a change in bowel habits for about 4 months now, I do have ibs but this seems different to my usual symptoms. 

I'm 47 and 3 relatives on my mums side passed away from bowel cancer in their 40s so this is making me feel worse. 

The last few days, I've had a pain in my lower left abdomen, right near the pelvic bone, it's sharp and crampy and when I press it, it feels tender in a certain spot, like I can pinpoint the part it's coming from, and the pain radiates upwards through where my colon is located on the left side. It also hurts when I bend down and after I eat something. I've also had general stomach cramps and excess gas. 

I can feel it mostly all the time and it feels like a mild stitch type pain, but the things I've described above makes it more intense. 

I'm going to try and get in on Monday morning to see the GP 

I'm really worried because of my family history and wondered whether bowel cancer can present like this? 

Sorry if I'm not posting in the right place, I just feel so worried and I don't really have anybody to talk to. 

Has anyone had similar symptoms? Can it be something other than bowel cancer with these symptoms? 

Thank you so much in advance to anyone who is kind enough to reply. 

  • Hi I have similar symptoms and the last two weeks some blood. My dad had bowel cancer so like you I am feeling quite worried. I have been to see my GP and having blood tests and two poo tests I know one is called a fit test but can’t remember what the other is sorry but it looks for inflammation.

    i just wanted to say yes 100% go to your GP on Monday. I have put a couple of posts on and everyone is so lovely on here I’m sure they will answer your post as well but I just wanted to let you know your not on your own and you will get some fantastic support and help on here.

  • Hi Sid,

    Thank you so much for replying, 

    I'm sorry to hear that you're going through this worry too. It's so difficult not to think the worst isn't it when you've had relatives who have had cancer. 

    I'm definitely going to try and get in to see my GP on Monday, I've been trying for 2 days but there's no available appointments on my NHS app so I'm going to ring early and hopefully get a cancellation appointment. 

    I'm just so worried, I've made the mistake of googling my symptoms too so I've probably not helped myself there but I just can't stop thinking about it because although I am used to gastric symptoms with having ibs I haven't had this before. 

    I think I had a bit of blood too a few weeks ago but I thought I had piles as I'd been constipated and had them before but now I'm thinking was it something else. 

    I hope that you get the all clear from your tests, I will be thinking of you and I wish you all the best. 

    Again, thank you for replying, just talking to somebody is a help and I really appreciate it. 

  • I hope you are able to have an appointment with your GP tomorrow and hopefully they will be able to set things going. I think as a lot of people have said this is the most difficult time, once we have symptoms until the tests come back it’s difficult to not let your mind wander to the worst case. Please keep in touch with how you get on. 
    thank you I am bloods Tuesday and the fit and other test once I can take a sample in. My bowels are never the same two days running so there maybe a wait for them to be able to do the samples lol. 
    take care speak soon xx

  • Hi moosmum I was just thinking about you and wondered if you managed to get an appointment?

  • 2259 to moosmum October 7th 24

  • I hope my reply reaches you. I am scared too. Very. I am being treated for colitis which I know I haven't  got. had to call paramedic as I had been to poo and was actually screaming with pain as it passed through. Definitely NOT constipated. The pain was unendurable, it felt like a bunch of knives being twisted inside my tummy. Horrendous. I  have been passing off other symptoms for months.I called paramedics. They insisted on cystitis. They phoned a dr who put me on Cefalexin. No dr saw me. No tests done. These antibiotics are not working. I hope your own fears come to nothing. I have just joined. I'm 70 and find this hard to understand and use. If you ever read it it will be pure luck. Best wishes to yo. xx

  • Hi 2259, 

    I have only just realised I had replies because it came through on my email. 

    I can understand how you must be very worried about your symptoms, I'm so sorry you're going through this, the pain you're in sounds just awful. 

    It's so worrying not knowing isn't it. I really hope you can get to the bottom of what's causing it. Sometimes I think you don't really get listened to the first time or even the second, so if you feel like what they are telling you isn't right keep insisting that they at least do further tests. Have they not offered you a colonoscopy or even a scan?

    I hope you get some answers and that it turns out to be something other than cancer. I'm here if you need someone to chat to as I know how worrying it is and the thoughts that go through your head. 

    I have been trying to get an appointment with my GP for over a week now and just keep being told to try again at 8am the next day or that they will ring me if they get a cancellation. 

    It's ridiculous I am still getting the symptoms and just feel like it's impossible to even get in to be seen. 

    I'm considering trying to go through 111 instead at this point. 

    I wish you the best of luck too xx

  • Hi sid. 

    I'm sorry for the late reply, I didn't realise I had replies until the person below commented and I got an email notification just now. 

    I'm still trying to get an appointment with my GP. I've been trying for days but keep being told to ring back at 8am the next day as they have no appointments. 

    Still have the symptoms. I'm considering trying to be seen through 111 at this point. 

    Thank you for asking and again I'm sorry for the late reply 

  • I think you should just walk into your GP surgery and insist on some help now please.  we have to be polite of course we are, but you are getting swept aside. Sorry this is late, forgive the time, but I've spent the evening crying and trying to join this helpful website. please let me know your progress with this. I feel so sad for you. I've had vague symptoms for a while but pushed cancer out of my mind.  Only this horrific pain  has pushed me to reach out here.  Please God we are both mistaken. please stay in touch if you can. Night night.

  • Hi I’m not getting notifications for some reason either. I think it would be worth popping into the doctor if possible and tell them you have been trying to get an appointment and your symptoms are really worrying you. I changed my GP about two years ago now and the new ones are fantastic. It might be worth asking around to see if anyone is at a practice where they would recommend I really hope you get an appointment soon xx