Recent diagnosis

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  • 176 subscribers


Just want to introduce myself. I have recently been diagnosed with colon cancer and have Surgery on Thursday. It has all happened so quick since I first had the Colonoscopy just over 2 weeks ago followed by CT and MRI scans. It still came as a shock and my mind is in a bit of a whirl. I am not great at opening to people close to me as I have always been the one to protect. I am feeling pretty low and also apprehensive? I have read all the literature given to me and have a Stoma nurse visiting me to explain that aspect. I am just wondering how much all of this will impact on not only me but also my family? Any words of advice will be gratefully received. Clyde 

  • Hi  and a warm welcome to the board. It’s good that things have moved so quickly and the tumour will shortly be consigned to the bin.

    Feeling apprehensive is natural but the surgeons do these operations on a daily basis so you’ll be in good hands. You’ll probably be in hospital for about 5 days then recovery at home will be about 5 weeks. It’s recommended that you don’t lift anything heavier than a kettle of water with 1 cupful in and no driving until you can safely perform an emergency stop. 

    I would like to think that your family will rally round and will be glad of the opportunity to take care of you as you have them in the past. The stoma can take a few days to get used to but the nurses will make sure you’re ok and there’s also lots of support on here 

     Ileostomy, colostomy and stoma support

    Hope it goes well and please post if there’s anything that you’re particularly worried about?

    Take care

    Karen x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm